09 Feb

Sam Webb USA Communist Party Says “Obama looking to nationalize U.S. economy”

Communist Party USA leader Sam Webb

Communist: Obama looking to nationalize U.S. economy
Obama is “considering” a radical agenda to nationalize the U.S. financial system, the Federal Reserve Bank, and private industries such as energy and other sectors whose future is “problematic” in private hands, claims the leader of the Communist Party USA.
In a major speech focused on Obama titled “Off and running: Opportunity of a lifetime,” CPUSA leader Sam Webb also alleges Obama’s administration is considering turning education, childcare, and health care into “no profit zones;” rerouting investment capital from military infrastructure to “green economy” projects and public infrastructure; and waging a “full scale” assault on global warming.

“We now have not simply a friend, but a people’s advocate in the White House declared Webb at a recent speech in Ohio for People’s Weekly World Communist newspaper.

“An era of progressive change is within reach, no longer an idle dream. Just look at the new lay of the land: a friend of labor and its allies sits in the White House,” Webb proclaimed.

He stated Obama and the “broad coalition that supports him will almost inevitably have to consider – and they already are – the following measures:
* Public ownership of the financial system and the elimination of the shadow banking system and exotic derivatives.
* Public control of the Federal Reserve Bank.
* Counter-crisis spending of a bigger size and scope to invigorate and sustain a full recovery and meet human needs – something that the New Deal never accomplished.
* Strengthening of union rights in order to rebalance the power between labor and capital in the economic and political arenas.
* Trade agreements that have at their core the protection and advancement of international working class interests.
* Equality in conditions of life for racially minorities and women.
* Democratic public takeover of the energy complex as well as a readiness to consider the takeover of other basic industries whose future is problematic in private hands.
* Turning education, child care, and health care into “no profit” zones.
* Rerouting investment capital from unproductive investment (military, finance and so forth) to productive investment in a green economy and public infrastructure.
* Changing direction of our nation’s foreign policy toward cooperation, disarmament, and diplomacy. We can’t have threats, guns and military occupations on the one hand and butter, democracy, goodwill, and peace on the other.
* Full scale assault on global warming.
* Serious and sustained commitment to assisting the developing countries that are locked in poverty and misery.”

Webb lauded Obama’s $800-plus billion so-called stimulus package as “a good bill that will ease the pain of this crisis, create jobs, and begin to reflate the economy.”

He explained labor unions, which he said were instrumental in Obama’s election, must work to keep the White House in check by “exercis[ing] an enormous influence on the political process. Never before has a coalition with such breadth walked on the political stage of our country,” he said.
Indeed, in an article just after last November’s election titled, “Special Interest or Class Consciousness? How Labor Put Obama in the White House,” Political Affairs reported on polling data released that revealed the extent of union support for Obama.
The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, or AFL-CIO, sponsored a poll showing union members supported Obama by a 68-30 margin and strongly influenced their family members.
According to the survey, Obama won among white men who are union members by 18 points. Union gun-owners backed Obama by 12 points, while union veterans voted for Obama by a 25-point margin. In the general population, Obama lost these groups by significant margins.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
“We now have not simply a friend, but a people’s advocate in the White House,” declared Webb at a recent speech in Ohio for People’s Weekly World Communist newspaper.
The U.S. Constitution and personal freedom are both on the thin line with Obama in the White House.
We should round up the CPUSA and send them to the peoples paradise of North Korea.
Those of us who actually looked into Obama’s history before November know that his mother was a Communist. His grandparents were Communists. His Mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a Communist and a pedophile. Obamoa himself was lauded by the Communist Party of Illinois, now the New Party, as one of their own winning a state senate seat in the 90’s. Only the sheep are left that don’t care or won’t listen to the truth about Obama.
It is also obvious he was a Muslim and a Communist as Rev Wright’s church provided cover for Muslims. People would not listen but they surely cannot be shocked. First interviews to Muslim media .
Barry Soetero aka Barack Hussein Obama has a long history of the psychology of hate being his best friends. You can take the Soetoro out of Kenya, buy you can’t take the Kenya out of Soetoro.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67

Nick Byram says:

I guess Gus Hall died.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

At least Comrade Webbnov is upfront and out in the open on how he feels. The ones that scare me are the RINOS and left-wingbats in Congress!

TomR says:

The damn commies are gathering around Obama like flies on crap. I hate to see any regeneration of labor unions. They cost me a good job when I was a young man. I hate the unions and their thugs.

Mark says:

Now with ‘Card-check’ and the Non union worker does not have the priviledge of the secret ballot, it will be much easier to intimidate non-union shops. This is what obama is all about, Imtimidation.
The Unions are all about screwing people, especially if you don’t play their game. It is typical communism. The new generation of union worker is brainwashed from the get go. They are nothing but programmed clones.

Wild Thing says:

Nick Byram, I am not sure, I am not that familiar to this group. I only started to learn about it when I started my blog.
Good to see you.

Wild Thing says:

Darth, I feel the same way.

Les says:

I agree with Sam Webb.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, I agree, they are horrible.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, he sure is, he is very scary to me. Not just what he wants to do but the way he gets angry and I can tell he is trying very hard to control what might be a very bad temper the get even kind.

Wild Thing says:

Les, I am glad this man is speaking out about Obama. He does not realize it but we all see this in Obama too, but from us it is attacks according to Obama and to have it come from Webb it is simply a fellow traveler. haha

Nick Byram says:

Wild Thing: A bit of background. Gus Hall was the CPUSA spokesman and boss for decades. Hall became a speaker on campuses and talk shows as an advocate for socialism in the United States. He was such a Stalinist tool that ever the Berkeley leftists didn’t take him seriously, which is saying a lot.
Another side venture of his was publishing communist newspapers, the Daily Worker , which later became the “People’s Daily World” in the 1980s. Then in 1990, it shrank dramatically. Why? Because the Soviet Union, which was sending it money, disintegrated. Today, Hall’s newspaper lives on as the People’s Weekly World. I am embarrassed that I eve know this shit, but in Berkeley it came with the territory.