Welfare Spendathon: House Stimulus Bill Will Cost Taxpayers $787 Billion in New Welfare Spending
The Heritage Foundation
The recently passed U.S. House of Representatives stimulus bill contains $816 billion in new spending and tax cuts. Of this sum, $264 billion (32 percent) is new means-tested welfare spending. This represents about $6,700 in new welfare spending for every poor person in the U.S.
But this welfare spending is only the tip of the iceberg. The bill sets in motion another $523 billion in new welfare spending that is hidden by budgetary gimmicks. If the bill is enacted, the total 10-year extra welfare cost is likely to be $787 billion.
The claim that Congress is temporarily increasing welfare spending for Keynesian purposes (to spark the economy by boosting consumer spending) is a red herring. The real goal is to get “the camel’s nose under the tent” for a massive permanent expansion of the welfare state.
In the first year after enactment of the stimulus bill, federal welfare spending will explode upward by more than 20 percent, rising from $491 billion in FY 2008 to $601 billion in FY 2009. This one-year explosion in welfare spending is, by far, the largest in U.S. history. But spending will continue to rise even further in future years. The stimulus bill is a welfare spendathon, a massive down payment on Obama’s promise to “spread the wealth.”
Once the hidden welfare spending in the bill is counted, the total 10-year fiscal burden (added to the national debt) will not be $816 billion, as claimed, but $1.34 trillion. This amounts to $17,400 for each household paying income tax in the U.S.
New Welfare in the Stimulus Bill
The House stimulus bill overtly increases federal welfare spending by $264 billion. Most of this spending will occur in the first two years after passage. For example, if enacted, the House stimulus bill will spend an additional $88 billion in means-tested welfare aid in FY 2009, an increase of more than 20 percent above prior spending levels. Federal welfare spending (including small increases built into existing law) will rise from $491 billion in FY 2008 to $601 billion in FY 2009. This one-year spending explosion (by far the largest in U.S. history) will not be a byproduct of unemployment generated by the recession but the result of a deliberate expansion of welfare eligibility and benefits by President Obama and Congress.
Camel’s Nose in the Tent
While $264 billion in new welfare spending may seem like a lot, it is only the tip of the iceberg. If the stimulus bill is enacted, the real long-term increase will be far higher. This is because the stimulus bill pretends that most of its welfare benefit increases will lapse after two years. In fact, both Congress and President Obama intend for most of these increases to become permanent
“Spread the Wealth” Tax Credit
A major new welfare program in the stimulus bill is Obama’s “Make Work Pay” refundable tax credit. This credit represents a fundamental shift in welfare policy. At a cost of around $23 billion per year, this credit will provide up to $500 in cash to low income adults who pay no income taxes. For the first time, the government will give significant cash to able-bodied adults without dependent children. Since most of these individuals have little apparent need for assistance, the new credit represents “spreading the wealth” for its own sake.
Hidden Welfare Spending
There are another six welfare expansions in the stimulus bill that will almost certainly become permanent if the bill is enacted.
A Trojan Horse
The welfare provisions in the Senate stimulus bill are very similar to those in the House bill. Both bills use the idea of economic stimulus as a Trojan horse to conceal massive, permanent increases in the U.S. welfare system. The goal of the bills is “spreading the wealth,” not reviving the economy.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
One huge difference in the liberals and conservatives is we love the American dream, the way our country has given us all a chance to be the best we can be, do accomplish things and if we fail to be able to try again. The liberals don’t even want a citizen to even make one attempt at taking care of themselves, at accomplishing anything in their lives.
Liberalism is the quashing of the entrepreneur, the risk taker or the saver. It rewards deviant, irresponsible and lazy behavior that erodes the profit motive.
Obama and the rest of the left want us to become like become France, Sweden, etc, all the Socialist/Communist countries. The Democrats give a damn about the economy, they only care about one thing and that is POWER, and once this is done they will have unbelievable power, unfortunately the stupid RINOS who are agreeing to this crap are bending over and taking it
The hypocritical part of Dems is that many of them are rich from inheiritance or marriage, the same class warfare “hate the rich” policies they scream against, yet live. Power, yes, insulated power is what they seek.
….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Very informative post Chrissie…thanks for the heads up.
Some day, they will all stand before the Maker and have to explain why they purposely lied to the American people in order to shove a stimulus bill down their throats and make it seem like it’s their fault it wasn’t getting passed. Many will end up in the Lake of Fire. Just because you go to church doesn’t make you a christian no more than working for AAA doesn’t make you a travel agent! They have to votes to pass it already. Why do they insist on 100% affirmatives? Because then we can’t say I told you so when the shit hits the fan.
This bill has not been well and carefully thought out. No one realizes the dangers and damages it will do at the back end, when the money comes due to be paid. Just destroy the economic future for our kids and their kids and grandkids. Make it so unbelievably expensive, that they will clamor to the government for everything, but what happens when the government goes broke? They will have nothing but what we taught them. I have taught my kids to garden, so at least, they’ll have vegetables to eat and daddy know a bit about raising animals and butchering.
This stimulus bill is part one (1) of the redistribution of the countries wealth,. By the time obama is done half the country will be on welfare, all being paid for courtesy of the US taxpayer.
Everybody thought ‘Peggy’ from the obama video was a hoot, obama was going to put gas in her tank and pay her mortgage. She knew more than I ever thought possible. Not only ACORN getting paid to the tune of 4.2 Billion, for favors rendered during the election, registering voters up to 100 times each, but the rest of the hood is getting their fare share as well. People who don’t work are getting tax credits. They just bought the Black, and Hispanic vote at our expense.
Awesome explanation of the true nature of this ‘Obamination’. Makes you kinda proud of Maine doesn’t it, not to mention PA. Remember way back when conservatives told our last president not to pick Arlen Specter to head the Judiciary committee, that he wasn’t a Republican, same as Susan Collins and Olympia Snow, they are now Obama’s best friends in the Senate. Like Whores on Heroine, they have no morals, at least we know their sellout prices. This is why the GOP lost and we now have Obama. Fire all 535 of them. Crank up the presses and brace yourself for multiple digit inflation. We are the Weimarer Republik!!!
No to “stimulus” bill. Here’s why:
Since Obama’s earnest drive to convince the nation to weaken its economic strength through redistribution as well as weaken its national defense, has confirmed the very threats to our Republic’s survival that the Constitution was designed to avert, it no longer is sustainable for the United States Supreme Court and Military Joint Chiefs to refrain from exercising WHAT IS THEIR ABSOLUTE CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY TO DEFEND THE NATION FROM UNLAWFUL USURPATION. The questions of Obama’s Kenyan birth and his father’s Kenyan/British citizenship (admitted on his own website) have been conflated by his sustained unwillingnes to supply his long form birth certificate now under seal, and compounded by his internet posting of a discredited ‘after-the-fact’ short form ‘certificate’. In the absence of these issues being acknowledged and addessed, IT IS MANIFEST THAT OBAMA REMAINS INELIGIBLE TO BE PRESIDENT UNDER ARTICLE 2 OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. Being a 14th Amendment ‘citizen’ is not sufficient. A ‘President’ MUST BE an Article 2 ‘natural born citizen’ AS DEFINED BY THE FRAMERS’ INTENT.
“The hypocritical part of Dems is that many of them are rich from inheiritance or marriage, the same class warfare “hate the rich” policies they scream against, yet live. Power, yes, insulated power is what they seek.”
Yes, they are very generous with our money. The really sad part is is that it’s my generation that they are pushing this crap on us with their shortsightedness and immense greed and lust for control. It’s my generation that will be forced to clean this up. The really sad part is that most of my generation are so naive they have no idea about whats going on. They just buy into this thinking it’s better to be cool by supporting the messiah. They love hollywood more than America. It’s disgusting.
Monica Crowley on her radio show this afternoon referred to Obama and the Democrats Stimulus Bill as a “trillion dollar crap sandwich.” How right she is.
Obama and the Democrats view of governing can best be described by the following.
This bill will explode Welfare by 20% this year with subsequent increases in the following years. What happened to everybody pulling their fair share of the load. Didn’t barry say, everyone was going to have ‘pitch in’ and help. Why are these people getting a pass ?
P.S. If I hear the word “infrastructure” one more time out of one of these politicians or analysts my head is going to F*CKING EXPLODE!!! I HATE that f*cking word!!!
James M., I like the way the article calls it what it is a Spendathon. That sure describes it well.
Lynn, that is exactly right. They and especially Obama want the Republicans on this so later when it is a mess they can say it was both parties at fault. I pray our side sees this clearly and heeds what could and will happen.
That is so wonderful that you are teaching your children like that.
Mark, oh my gosh, you know your right. That lady is going to end up being right about Obama. How scary is that.
Jack, yes, your right, that is why who gets elected at every level is so important.
JohnE PFC U.S. Army, that is true. I think that is also why when men and women decide to make the decision to serve our country like you have done there is also such a great difference in character of those that do and those that don’t. To want our country to be safe, to want it to be the America they have loved. There is a wisdom in that and it is missing in those that like you said, only want to know about Hollywood and not what is happening to our country.
Les, that is great, I have never heard her raido show. But I do watch her on McLaughlin Grouup and she is always good.
Thanks for sharing that.
Mark, I wish one of the commentators on TV would say what you just did.
JohnE PFC U.S. Army, LOL
I feel the same way about the word “change”.