03 Jan

A Visit To Gov. Sarah Palin During The Holidays 2008

Gov. Sarah Palin helps Santa pass out gifts during Operation Santa Claus 2008 in Kivalina Dec. 6. Operation Santa Claus, an Alaska National Guard community relations and support program, provides toys, books and school supplies for young people in communities across the state. Photo: Spc Paizley Ramsey, 134th Public Affairs Detachment

Gov. Sarah Palin receives a flight jacket from Lt. Gen. Craig E. Campbell Dec. 6 as a token of thanks for supporting the Alaska National Guard during Operation Santa Claus 2008 in Kivalina. Operation Santa Claus, an Alaska National Guard community relations and support program, provides toys, books and school supplies for young people in communities across the state. Photo: Spc Paizley Ramsey, 134th Public Affairs Detachment

Governor Sarah Palin, First Gentleman Todd Palin and Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell welcome citizens of Juneau and visitors alike to the Governor’s House for the annual open house tradition.

Governor Sarah Palin and daughter, Piper, visit with Rabbi Yosef Greenberg at the Chanukah Arts Festival in Anchorage.

Daughter Piper Palin constructs a chocolate menorah at the Chanukah Arts Festival in Anchorage.

Governor Sarah Palin celebrates the first day of Hanukkah with members of the Jewish community in downtown Anchorage

Governor Sarah Palin, Rabbi Yosef Greenberg, Rabbi Michael Oblath and Ranamanmohan Minhas, representative of the Alaska Indian Sikh Temple, participated in lighting memorial candles for those lost in the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India.

Mark says:

She is great. I am looking forward to supporting her again for 2012 for President. By that time the country should have had it fill of all this useless change and be ready for some real Change.
She is geniune a real person, no ‘ostentatious flummery’ just the girl next door.

Eden says:

I just love her and her family so much, and everything they stand for. I like how they handle things. They are not perfect, but who is? Funny how two or three little blips on their perfect parents record is monumental, but BOGUS POTUS gets a pass on everything, like his vote for abortions because he wouldn’t want his daughters “burdened” with a pregnancy.

BT in SA says:

Sarah IS the personification of graciousness and class. Two hundred percent!

Lynn says:

You didn’t see Obama doing this in Illinois in the Chicago area. Did he ever put together a Santa charity for the poor kids of Illinois? NO.
As a matter of fact, his kids didn’t get Christmas gifts until he won the White House.
Sarah is a gift-a rare jewel amongst the stones of the political world.
She knows what it’s like to be down and has never forgotten where she came from. She made good on her life and she wishes the same for everyone else.
I can only hope that my girls will be just as sincere, honest and down to earth as Sarah is.

Les says:

Sarah Palin = The real thing
Barack Obama = BOGUS POTUS

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Like Wild Thing and the ladies of Team Theodore… Sarah is a beautiful lady and GOOD people – period. McCain had a diamond in the rough and spit on it!

Wild Thing says:

I love the photo of her with Santa.

BobF says:

With Sarah in the White House, Israel would have a true friend leading our nation. I know she believes the following and that our standing with God will depend upon it.
Genesis 12:1-3 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great ; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed .