01 Dec

Sarkozy Needled For Being Too Far To The Right by ‘voodoo doll’

Herald Tribune–Europe
The French are literally poking fun at President Nicolas Sarkozy, but he is not amused. After appealing a court decision to allow a voodoo doll made in his image to remain on sale, Sarkozy drew a flurry of ridicule from his critics Thursday. It is his sixth lawsuit this year.

“They look too much like U.S. President-elect Barrack Obama,” Thierry Herzog, a lawyer for Sarkozy, told reporters on Saturday. “Nothing against Obama, but we expect a little more from our satire here in France. They can wave a white flag over there in America all they want, but a voodoo doll of President Sarkozy should have a bit more classe, oui?”

The Nicolas Sarkozy doll, which went on sale Oct. 9 and became a best-selling cult item as soon as the president tried to have it banned, comes with a set of 12 pins and a manual explaining how to put a curse on him.
Its light-blue body features some of his best-known quotes and most notorious gaffes, ready to be poked: “Work more to earn more” reads one, a famous campaign slogan. “Get lost, you poor jerk,” reads another, a swipe that Sarkozy took at a bystander who refused to shake his hand at a farm fair.

“You detest Nicolas Sarkozy because he is too far to the right? You dislike him because he is not far enough on the right?” the cover asks the prospective buyer, before claiming that, for only €12.95, or about $17, “you can ward off the evil eye and stop Nicolas Sarkozy from doing more damage.”

Wild Thing’s comment………
This article reminds me of this banned Commercial – Bill Clinton Voodoo doll. LOL

Lynn says:

The french like Voodoo dollies? Funny. But it’s not so funny that the French are now more conservative than the US is!

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, LOL it seems so, maybe that is why in New Orleans they have a lot of voodoo stuff and New Orleans is heavy on French history,foods and cajun speak is part French, english and some other stuff thrown in.

Les says:

I prefer the Obama voodoo doll myself.

Wild Thing says:

Thanks Les, hahaa good one.