07 Sep

Obama Calls Himself President in Terre Haute, IN

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Maybe he can be a superhero tomorrow after he gets bored being president. LOL
The Pomposity of ‘O’!
Look at what they have put on Wikipedia!
scroll down the page and it is right there…..

In the 2008 presidential campaign, during a stop in Pennsylvania, Barack Obama called them the “Nitally lions” as he called on someone during a question-and-answer session.

Lynn says:

Yeah, that is presumptuous, isn’t it? We don’t vote until November 4 and let’s hope they don’t forget that the panhandle of Florida is in Central time zone and has an extra hour over the rest of the state.
Someone ought to smack him in the face right in the mouth! If his momma were strong, she’d grab him by the ear and march him straight off that stage and whoop his butt in front of God and all creation!
He is so full of crap! The closer it gets to election day, the more I see how rude, mean spirited, nasty and what a liar he is! He has all those idiots fooled big time. Do they really think that they won’t have to work? Obamanation will make this land a wasteland of menial farm and factory workers who work for an allowance and have to pay homage to the Great Messiah, Lord Obama the Most Merciful. Housing will be crap, amenities will be crap, everything will go to Hell in a handbasket while he, Bitchelle, White Bread Biden and his Barbie wife, Jelly butt, will have everything and the government will dole out what they think you can have, not what to live on, just what they think you need. Think of Sombertown in the cartoon Santa Claus is Coming to Town that we use to watch as kids. We’d be judged on how well we do our chores. He’s the BurgerMeister-MeisterBurger! No toys, only chores!
That is NOT for me!

yankeemom says:

Gee, do you think that was planned? lol
He just continues to insult our intelligence over and over again. But then he has Joe Biden of “My IQ is higher than yours!” fame.
What the Obamabots fail to see is that when you have a marxist based government, someone has to run it at the expense of everyone else. That would include you and me.
Remember those photos of the fatcat Russian communist leaders standing on the balcony of the Kremlin all dressed in fine clothes while the populace starved? We need to see more of that sort of thing – the ugliness under the pretty outer trappings.

Mark says:

Beautiful…Obamabots Perfect that is it.
As arrogant as they are Biden let it out the other day, WT posted it, the Biden ‘rope o dope’ that he would lose the debate. They don’t give Sarah Palin any credit. She is just a dumb hick from Alaska. It is all coming together now, for me anyway. Michelle Obama’s comment ‘not that bright’ and bidens condescending attitude. I hope they keep it up. they will get their head handed to them.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, yesssss
He can talk and yak all he wants but he is human like all of us and by Nov if he keeps this up he will not win. It might be close but he just can’t win. ( fingers crossed and praying here )

Wild Thing says:

Yankeemom, the funniest and sickest thing is that he can say it is a mistake but he believes his own pr I think. hahahahahaha

Wild Thing says:

Mark, that gets me and it is so typical of the left, how they won’t give Palin credit for anything.
They are such a mess. hahaahaha