The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media’s Favorite Candidate
A Personal Note from John O’Neill
Dear Friend,
As you may recall, I was privileged to play a role in helping prevent John Kerry from being elected president when my fellow Swift Boat Veterans and I released the book Unfit for Command. As liberal as Kerry was, America faces an even more liberal threat today: Barack Obama. Fortunately, investigative journalist and National Review Online political reporter David Freddoso has written the book every voter needs to read: The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media’s Favorite Candidate.
Uncovering stories the mainstream media has neglected, Freddoso reveals Obama for who he really is: the U.S. senator with the #1 most liberal voting record in the Senate. And a politician whose rhetoric of “change” does not match the reality of his corrupt, “Chicago-machine politics” background.
Moving past Obama’s inspiring speeches and say-anything-to-win campaign tactics, Freddoso outlines Obama’s extreme, far-left legislative record and his questionable associations with both criminals and radicals. From Obama’s repeated support for the Chicago patronage system, to his hard-line position of no restrictions on abortion, The Case Against Barack Obama offers the cold, hard facts about this man who would be our next president.
As American citizens, it is our right and duty to question the background, character, and proposals of any candidate who could be our next commander in chief. Democrats and the media are not holding Obama accountable, so conservatives must. I’m grateful to David Freddoso and my publisher, Regnery, for finally revealing the man behind the myth.
I urge you to read The Case Against Barack Obama. I also recommend that you buy copies for your friends and relatives who may consider voting for Obama. They deserve to know the truth, too.
Please click on one of the links below to order your copy today.
John O’Neill
Wild Thing’s comment………
I am glad all these books are coming out now. I guess they wait till it gets closer to the elction to get these out in the stores.
….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
Three cheers for John ONeill. He calls them as he sees them. I wonder how the Obamanation camp will deal with the book? Called it slanderous lies? Full of deceit? You know he has an answer for everything.
We know it here. Hopefully John O’Neill and David Freddoso’s message will reach a few that won’t ignore their findings. It’s hard to believe that lying, criminal and anti-American activity is condoned but they elected the Clinton’s too. Democrats are Democrats in name only. The only slightly honest one is Bernie Sanders, he’s a Socialist yet he masquerades as an independent. One simple thought, not voting is a vote for the Democrats.
Lynn, yes, haaha probably all those things will be coming out in press releases from Obama’s camp about this book.
Truth is what Obama is afraid of big time.
Jack, yes I agree.
I was thinking of not voting when it got down to McCain months ago. But there is no way I could just hand our country over to Obama and what he plans to do.