Two Muslim women filed a lawsuit today against a McDonald’s restaurant, saying they were denied jobs because of their Islamic headscarves, known as hijabs. Standing near the restaurant in Dearborn from left to right are Quiana Pugh, 25, of Dearborn, one of the plaintiffs, Dawud Walid, head of the Michigan branch of the Council on American Islamic Relations, Nabih Ayad, attorney for the women and the second plaintiff, Toi Whitfield, 20, of Detroit.
Two Muslim women said they were denied jobs at a McDonald’s restaurant in Dearborn because they wore Islamic headscarves, according to a discrimination lawsuit filed today in Wayne County Circuit Court.
Toi Whitfield, 20, of Detroit, and Quiana Pugh, 25, of Dearborn, said they applied for jobs at the McDonald’s on Ford Road in the eastern section of Dearborn, but were told by the store manager “you’re not going to work here if you don’t remove” the headscarf, known as hijab. According to the women, he also said he couldn’t “really hire you due to your scarf.”
A spokeswoman for McDonald’s did not immediately comment on the lawsuit, but said a statement would be coming soon.
The Dearborn restaurant happens to be one of only two stores in the U.S. that sells Chicken McNuggets that are halal, the Muslim equivalent of kosher.
Dawud Walid, head of the Michigan branch of the Council on American Islamic Relations, said that it’s upsetting that a restaurant with such a large Muslim customer base would discriminate against Muslim women employees.
“They’ll take Muslim dollars, but won’t hire Muslim female employees,” Walid said.
The case was filed in Detroit against the store manager, a management company, and McDonald’s. It alleges the restaurant violated a state civil rights law.
The store is located in an area with one of the largest Arab-American and Muslim communities in the U.S.
Walid said the two Muslim women were African-Americans born in the United States.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Muslims? Hygiene? Bwahahahahahahah
Why do they want to work at a restaurant serving non-halal meat? These stupid Muslims keep trying to make us change our way of life.
Islam is creating a lawyers paradise here in America sheesh and CAIR is leading the way.
My guess is the local mosque put these people up to this. These women no more wanted to work there than a vegan in a slaughtering house. They knew they would be turned down, just another step in tearing down our nation.
By the time they get done, the menu will feature:
Achmed Cola
Big Muhammed
Egg Bin Muffin
Qatar Pounder
Double Cheese Burqa
Medium Chocolate Sheikh
Infidel Delectable
McSheik’n Sandwich
Camel Dung Biscuits
“Infidels, don’t forget about that SPECIAL SAUCE too.” – The Muzzies of Michigan & Muslimsota and McCaliphates all! I don’t CAIR either!!
Too late WT for the islamo kooks have just issued a fatwah on Ronald McDonald. No more ice cold vanilla Sheik Shake Oasis specials either. Beware of IED’s in the drive-thru’s as well. First it was the Twin Towers, and now the Golden Arches?
My guess is they were too stupid to operate the drive thru cash register!!! (people don’t want to see the hibjab at work!)
I guess they could have
Terrorist Ties Fries
Sheiken McCaptives
McSheiken Osama drink
Blow everyone up Meal (for the kiddies–has a real bomb inside-be the first on your block to be a “real” terrorist!!!!)
Saddams Yellow cake Sandwich
Breakfast Al Qaeda Squasharito
Iced Taliban Tea
McDonald’s has uniform standards for it’s employees, like many other establishments in America. CAIR is a lying POS when he says they won’t hire Muslim women. They would have hired the women but the women didn’t want to comply with McDonald’s dress code.
If these Muslims win this law suite, expect these to pop up all over the US where employers have uniform requirements.
I would not hire them either- LOL!! – If I went to any fast food and saw these two working- I would turn around and leave- ! Do they have any clue how stupid they look?- – Yes and they never bathe- what only their feet? – disgracefully ignorant!! I know we have freedom of religion but these muslims are over the top! If you want to live in America jump in the melting pot- don’t expect Americans to kiss your ass behind your damn fake religion!
The last time I checked doesn’t Mickey “D” serve
Ham and Bacon??? Those women are not supposed to
be in the same room with Pork products…
Yeah, what about the Egg MacMuffins, with pork sausage, and ham sounds like a little double standard.
Not only that where is the ACLU protecting against mixing Church and state/culture… this is not a first amendment issue. McDonalds has it dress code as pointed out above, why do they deserve special treatment ?
Why are we coddling muslims anyway. They aren’t illegal so there shouldn’t be a problem enforcing the law… I mean jeez, where do we draw the line, by giving up the very last of our freedom ?
Bit by bit. Muslims do not want to intergrate. They want another islamic “republic” here in America.
First they will tell McD’s what they want for muzzies. Then they will tell Ronald what he cannot serve for the rest of us. Presto, a totally halal restaurant.
“Walid said the two Muslim women were African-Americans born in the United States.”
A-Ha! This explains everything to me. Where is the NAACP in all this? Besides, these two goof-balls are American…NOT African American. The only true African-American I ever knew is a white man working for IT contracting firms.
Hey Quiana and Toi, I’ve got a “Big Mac” for ya. Show me your hibjabs. Ha…ha…heee…snarf
Remember Ladies, Marines don’t sleep. They wait.
Darth, oh yes that special sauce. haha
The Ethics Cleanser 08, oh noooooooo hahahaha I will really miss the “Sheik Shake Oasis specials”.
Lynn, LOL those are good ones.
I agree too if I saw someone waiting on me in a hibjab I would ask to be waited on by someone else.
BobF, that is the thing I agree. They have uniform standards and so this whole lawsuit is stupid to start off with plus they are to be anywhere near pork too.
Cheryl, LOL I agree, I would just leave, or if I had been there a lot and it was near where I live I would ask to be waited on by someone else just to make a point. heh heh
Tincan Sailor, yes they do so how they think they can even make this into some kind of logic is stupid. They picked the wrong place to cause trouble.
Mark, AMEN this whole thing should be laughed right out of court.
Tom, if they end up giving in that is exactly what would happen.
They start with that Dearborne city and work their way across our country, very concerning if they win this. I just don’t see how they can but I have been shocked before.
Steve, Muslim Tracker, heh heh love this……
“Remember Ladies, Marines don’t sleep. They wait.”
I feel the same way, I met one person in my life that was an African American and she was from South Africa, and white and once she became a citizen and she did it legally, she only called herself an America.