Tony, We’re Proud We Knew Ye
You’re on the road to eternity, huroo, huroo,
Your spirit’s flown your soul is free, huroo, huroo,
With wringin’ hands and tearful eyes,
We pray you hear our mournful cries,
And we all feel so sad today,
But, Tony, we’re proud we knew Ye.
Where is that voice so smilin’ mild, huroo, huroo,
That drove the White House press so wild, huroo, huroo,
Where are those eyes that sparklin’ smiled
With which our hearts Ye so beguiled,
Oh darlin’ boy you made our day,
Ah, Tony, we’re glad we knew Ye.
We’ll miss that spirit that loved the run, huroo, huroo,
That flashin’ smile for everyone, huroo, huroo,
That mike Ye wielded like a gun,
But never wounding anyone,
Oh your sparklin’ spirits flown away,
Sweet Tony we’re goin’ to miss Ye.
We’re sad young lad to see Ye gone, huroo, huroo,
But glad your sad ordeal is done, huroo, huroo,
With sorrowed hearts we accept you’re gone,
But know your goodness still lives on,
Oh, Tony Snow, we must let go,
But, Lord, we were blessed we knew Ye.
Russ Vaughn
Vietnam 65-66
Author’s note: I am so saddened that we have lost this bright spirit, this so very talented young man. I do not know if Tony Snow is of Irish extraction, but his origins are in Kentucky which was mainly settled by the Scots-Irish, of which I am one with my American roots in that region as well. For that reason, I chose to make my tribute to Tony a derivation of the old Irish song, “Johnny We Hardly Knew Ye.”
The music for the American version of this ballad, When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again, can be found here.
Listening to it as you read my words may help you better appreciate this tribute. It is a simple tune and these are but simple words, so it is easy to sing them. I think Tony would like that, hearing all us singing him off on his eternal journey.
….Thank you Russ so much for this poem you wrote and your notes along with it as well.
When the sun rises and sets, Tony Snow is with us. When the moon does the same, and when the stars shine down on us, Tony is with us… By doing the right things in life and by continuing to fight to write the right daily, Tony is with us! Tony Snow has never really left us at all.
Tony will live on in our hearts. We all have something we will remember , whether it was his sense of humor, his incredible talents in many areas, his kindness and compassion for his fellow man. His parents did something good raising him to be an outstanding citizen of the world.
God saw fit that when the pain became too much, that it was time to go so he wouldn’t have to suffer anymore.
I will miss Tony. He was one of the good guys wearing the white hat.
I always watched Tony on FOX NEWS before he went to the White House- He was always upbeat!-We seem to be losing important people younger and younger- It is the stress of the world- and a sign of the times!
Darth, yes he will be remember always and with that he is never really gone.
Lynn, that is true, God knows how much a person can take.
Cheryl, yes we are losing too many of the good guys.