Mufti Mohammed Naeem heads the Jamia Binoria
U.S. Teens Released From Pakistani Madrassa, Flying Home to Atlanta
Fox News
Two American teenage boys, allegedly kept against their will at a radical Islamic madrassa in Pakistan, have been released and are on their way back to the United States.
The boys’ release followed an appeal by Republican Rep. Michael McCaul and Democratic Reps. Gene Green and Henry Cuellar. The Texas congressmen had called on Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf to intervene.
Noor Elahi Khan, 17, and Mahboob Elahi Khan, 16, are from the Atlanta area. Noor and Mahboob were born in the United States to Pakistani parents and lived in this country until being sent to Karachi several years ago by their father, an Atlanta taxi diver.
A family member said that the boys were sent to the Binoria Institute to learn to memorize the Koran, which the family believed would enable the entire clan to gain entry to heaven. A source told FOX News that the family wanted the boys back but were afraid to speak out because of potential religious and political repercussions.
FOX News learned Thursday that the boys were released and are scheduled for an afternoon landing at the airport in Atlanta.
The boys’ story became known after documentary filmmaker Imran Raza went to the madrassa and filmed the boys’ alleged radicalization.
Raza fears that despite these two boys’ release, dozens or even hundreds more U.S. citizens might be going through similar ordeals.
“This pipeline to jihad must be closed,” Raza said Thursday in a written statement.
The three congressmen brought the issue up with Musharraf during a trip last week to Pakistan to discuss military affairs. Musharraf told the congressional delegation that he has been trying to close this particular madrassa, according to Green.
McCaul told FOX News that Pakistan has 20,000 madrassas, and he knows of at least 80 Americans studying in them.
The director of the documentary who found them says “I am grateful for the safe return of the two American children from Atlanta from a Taliban-backed madrassa but the mullah claims to have up to 78 more in his institution. The headmaster comes to the United States once a year and personally recruits American children to enroll in his madrassa. This pipeline to jihad must be closed. Let me be clear – these children do not learn math, or science, or grammer or liberal arts. They learn one thing – they memorize over the course of seven years every verse of the Koran coupled with the radical interpretation of their teachers. This is just the first step in integrating these children back to American society. I am proud we did our part so we could say ‘Welcome Home.” It is imperative that Members of Congress and the State Department undertake an accounting of just how many Americans are in the other 20,000 madrassas in Pakistan. Hundreds if not thousands remain behind.”
The Karachi Kids is a documentary about American children in the Jamia Binoria madrassa in Karachi Pakistan. A trailer of the film is available at www.karachikids.com. Facts About the Madrassa • Located in Karachi, Pakistan, the Jamia Binoria madrassa was founded by Mufti Muhammed Naeem and espouses Deobandism — the religion of the Taliban. • The institution houses over 3,000 students including children from the United States and Canada. • Selig Harrison, the Director of the Asian Program for the Center for International Policy recently gave a speech reaffirming the link between the Jamia Binoria and the Taliban: “In Karachi, the Jamia Binoria, with some 10,000 students enrolled in eight affiliated madrassas, displays a banner at its main gate urging Muslims to join the Taliban.” • A large number of graduates from the Binoria have become senior figures in the Taliban. • Right before 9/11, Osama bin Laden addressed the students emphasizing the importance of jihad. • Mufti claims to have graduated over 100 Americans from his institution and asked what they teach the children, Mufti relied, “Islam, not math or anything else, only Islam.”
HERE is a sample of the VIDEO of The Karachi Kids …..what they call these children sent there from America.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
I am just going to say it. I would prefer these two students be left there, I do NOT want them back in the USA. The father that sent them there as well as the other families that have done this ….. they have allowed their childrens souls to be sold to the devil. They will be coming back here totally brain washed.
Our troops do NOT deserve this kind of thing happening when they risk their lives 24/7 in this war against Islam the death cult. Our troops do not deserve our country to allow these freaks back into our country to cause more harm to our citizens later on.
A congressman from, I believe Texas, said he was very fearful of what they may do when they return to the US.
Also I want to know WHY this headmaster is being allowed in the U.S. to start with!!!
“The headmaster comes to the United States once a year and personally recruits American children to enroll in his madrassa.”
What good is it if we’re winning in Iraq and losing the war at home?
….Thank you Darth for the Fox News article that had more information.
The boys change from naive schoolchildren to solemn teenagers who assert that no Muslims were involved in 9/11.
Source ….for complete article
U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) cited a Pakistani law that prohibits foreigners from enrolling in madrassahs. However, the principal of the school, Mufti Mohammed Naeem, is shown on film saying that 29 nations, including the United States, Britain and France, are represented at his school. He also said his madrassah does not promote hatred or militant activity.
In Atlanta, the Khan brothers loved to watch “The Simpsons” and skateboard. They said in the film that their father grew angry with their habits and once threw the television out of the house. They said their father decided to send them to Pakistan after he discovered dust on their Quran, a sign they had failed to pick it up in a while.
The brothers arrived in Pakistan in 2004, unable to speak Urdu and communicate with others. They faced the daunting task of memorizing a 600-page Quran. Noor estimated it would take him eight years.
“My dad told me, ‘I am not bringing you back until you memorize the Quran,'” he said on camera.
In the last on-camera interview in March, Noor said he is glad his father sent him to the madrassah. “I’m a better person,” he said.
He goes on to say that he believes no Muslims were behind the attacks of 9/11. “Not one Jew died that day. That is what they say,” he said.
Christine Fair, a senior political scientist with the nonprofit research organization RAND Corp., said children in Pakistan’s Islamic schools are not subjected to math, English, social studies or other secular topics emphasized in public schools in Georgia.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
There are a few comments from NON approved commenters I have allowed through the last few days. Only a few out of the many that have tried to get through,LOL, and tell us all how evil the USA is and how evil our military is and how wonderful Islam is which of course is baloney.
I wonder now long will it take for themse bolys that were releasesd to come back to America to unlearn that muslims were, indeed, the perpetrators of September 11? Or that Jews were killed as well on that day?
Here the trailer from the film:
They think it’s okay to be schooled this way. They’ve been brainwashed for generations. It’s funny how the taliban helped get Russia out of Afghanistan and now they “blame” us for the invasion in the first place!
These so-called people continually think that they are the “chosen” people and that they are always in the right and we are always in the wrong and need to be punished severely for being infidels. They forget an Infidel is one who is born into a certain religion and doesn’t practice it.
Wonder what kind of BS these two boys are going to be spouting in the Atlanta area?
Gotta love those southern RED Peach State all -arabian cab drivers Wild Thing! “One nation under Allah, divisible, without liberty, and justice by the sword for all?” Simply memorize the Koran and go to casbah heaven with 72 virgins? And CHRISTIANS are the bad guys over here, eh?
How does a taxi driver afford to send his children overseas to study?
Well Congressman Paul McCaul of Texas will be hearing from me-! He is not from my district but he is from Texas! Why is a Congressmen from TX involved with a family out of his jurisdiction in Atlanta? Something is crazy here– The Father should be locked up on child abuse charges-! Just more brainwashed zombie islams in America!Yeah no muslims were involved in 9/11 ! No doubt our friggin Government paid EVERY penny to return these two ungrateful cockroaches to their ignorant Father! Stupid waste of time and money- they should of sent the father there minus his return visa and left it at that!
No the government didn’t pay for their return WE the People paid for his return. This is the whole problem they, Congress, think it’s there money. It is not…
It is time for a clean sweep in congress. I am tired of this US versus them mentality from members of congress, and we the people are too stupid to figure it out. What I can figure out is we are getting the shaft and it is time it stopped.
When, oh when, is our government going to take the cult of islam as seriously as it took the cult of David Koresh? Koresh’s main “sin” was that he threatened to defend himself. islam threatens to destroy us. Why, oh why, do we keep letting muslims into America. They should be denied entry until wahabbism, deobandism, beheadism, blowupism and all the other murderous hateful isms of islam are history.
Eventually, it will probably be up to us armed American citizen infidels to deal with this mess.
There is one way to close those schools that works everytime…………BLOW THEM UP and everytime another crops up………..BLOW IT UP. Better yet, let’s just terminate islam.
The story about these two Taliban-backed Madrassa students returning home to Atlanta is serious and worth discussing. However, the much larger problem with greater damage is the liberal/socialist/teacher’s union backed K-12 public schools and colleges/universities brainwashing the students in this country.
Our children are taught revisionist anti-American history, Jihad means good deeds, entering the country illegally is a “right”, global warming is all the United States’ fault, personal responsibility is bad, government dependency is good, when something bad happens blame America first, Democrats and liberals are the only ones who care about people and they have all the answers, and when all else fails — blame white people, big corporations, George Bush, Dick Cheney, and the neocons.
It is no wonder that cult Obama is sweeping the Nation.
The American flag under Chairman Obama…
Michelle Obama – Blame America First Lady?
Lynn, yes I wonder too, once they get back they are not just going to forget the things they have been taught.
Darth, yes I was wondering if this Dad in Atlanta was one of the Moslem cabbies that would not allow a dog in his cab and the other things the Muzzie cab drivers complained about in N.Y.
BobF, my guess is maybe his Mosque pays for the trip. Or even the school they are going to pays for everything. Just a guess though.
Cheryl, I agree, good idea, send the Father there.
Mark, me too, I wish someone that had a lot of pull would start a movement like the kind of things Newt has done. Something that would really scare those in office that they could be taken out of office. Not only with a vote but maybe some kind of petition. But millions and millions of people would have to sign it.
I know I am dreaming but something like that would really wake them up that we the people have had enough.
I hope as they come up for election they get voted out and conservatives not just Republicans but conservative Republicans get voted in.
Tom, I don’t get it either. How can anyone especially those elected not be concerned and feel a responsibilty to this country to protect as well as serve in our government.
Even if they are socialists/communists like so many are they still need an America to be socialists inside of and live here with no terrorists attacks.
I agree Tom they should be denied entry.
Cuchieddie, I would love to terminate Islam.
I will give them credit for one thing these freaks of Islam. They know they have to brain wash the young for the waves of terrorism to continue, and they are dedicated to doing this and too darn good at it too.
Les, thanks for the links and graphics.
Yes our schools are turning out mush brains, brainwashed too against America.
Sheesh what a mess this is.
“Kook Karachi… Kook Karachi… Death to Georgia…” Hotlanta cabbies are intertwined with Muslimsota cabbies from Ethiopia that also are little yellow jihadi cabbies? Speaking of Atlanta, where’s Braves pitcher John Rocker when you need him? Back to MEMORIZING my HOLY BIBLE so I can go directly into Heaven!
“Can Noor and MahbOOb take your teenaged daughters to their high school proms and homecoming dances?” – GOD they are uglier than the GEICO CAVEMEN! Forget the limos, I hear they RIDE camels!!
ok all of you on here speaking out against these two boys are all idiots…i am engaged to the boys oldest sister and i know noor and mahoob as well as his other brothers and sister. I am a white american born freely here in 1983. You have no right accusing these boys or their family of any wrong doing…you dont understand islam and until you do all you have is hatred for something you cant understand…these people are hardworking, peaceful, and overall better americans then most in this country i know because like i said i know them and i am the oldest sister’s fiance. I also converted to islam because it makes a hell of alot more sense then the “christ” figure of the bible. America is all about give me give me and until we start giving ourselves people are going to hate and critize america…we are living in the end times and our demise will be just like ancient rome’s demise in the past…remember history repeats itself. Focus on the real terrorists like our own government then focusing on the innocent people like the Khan family because they wont be the ones that kill american’s i can assure you of that. Everyone needs to shut their trap and quit assuming you know these people or their intentions…those boys went through alot of hell over in pakistan and i of all people have the right to speak out because i know them and i know they are good people. Health care to just getting food is a struggle over there and many times these two boys almost died…all they wanted was to be back home and now that they are please just let them and me live in peace.
“Holy Shiite WT, the All-Arabian Americans, eh?”
– Triple AAA 2008?
I just have a question for the people on here the are quick to judge others. Do you know the people personally and do you know their motives? Have you walked a mile in their shoes? I have read a story about a man that drew in the sand when a lady was going to be stoned for being a Harlot. It is supposed that he was writing their sins in the sand because he told the others that was judging her to throw the first stone. Her accusers had to walk away. To me in this discussion there is a lot of ugly talking going on about people that how many have typed messages in here really know? Now, let me tell you a bit about history.
You know the Japanese were treated poorly in our country at one time because some of them chose to bomb pearl harbor. Did that make all of the Japanese in the United States evil? No, it did not! But they all got treated in the way that many american citizens of Middle Eastern Background are being treated since 9/11. I hear hatered coming from these messages.
This type of hatred touched my family’s past in two ways. The first way was that I have some Cherokee blood running through my veins. Some of my ancestors were placed on the trail of tears and given blankets laced with smallpoxes and many of them died. After all they were mere savages and the men that did this was helping God rid the place of these “savages.” My great-great-great grandpa Wiley was hung on the Trail of Tears. Why? He was a male Cherokee. My great-great-great Grandma Lou A and her daughter Nannie O. were sent on to Oklahoma without him. You know they had to live on the reservation in poverty and could not own land until one day they became white enough to move off. Then they hid their secret because they did not want their children carted off to an orphanage and they wanted to own their own land. I did not even know I had Cherokee Ancestry until I went to the archives and began digging records out. My grandma wanted that information to stay a family secret. A secret that was buried to keep us safe from what this family must be going through.
The other battle my family faced was that some of my ancestors came over on a boat from Germany to gain religious freedom. This was Pre-Hitler. Guess what? Hitler and German happened and it was not cool to admit that you were of German ancestry. To explain away those of us with blonde hair and blue eyes in the family, we became Dutch. I believed it until I found proof to the contrary when I was searching the family archives.
So, what I’m saying is, when people come to the United States they are basically coming for rights and freedoms and sometimes they may do things we don’t understand. Let’s not get so ugly about them and make crude remarks about their daughters and stuff. From what I’m gathering from this news story, this family has suffered and they boys have suffered. Let’s just let this family try and get back to living a normal life, what ever that might be for now.
B you are full of it. Islam is a death cult and does not belong in our country. The goal of Islam is to take over the country and we will not let that happen.
These boys will be coming back more brain washed then they were to begin with and should never be allowed back in the USA. The same with the rest of them that went to this school.
The Ethics Cleanser 08, LOL yes, I let a few of the comments through that are not on my approved list just to show how nuts people are out there that think Islam is just so wonderful.
Amazing isn’t it.
jpeachy, I have to wonder if you even read what this post and article said.
This father sent his two sons to this school that is mentioned, they went freely and were not forced. It is not a school that teaches anything except Islam, which is a cult, a death cult.
It has nothing to do with hating people from other countries at all. It has to do with NOT WANTING ISLAM TO TAKE OVER OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Get it???? Can you read and understand what I am saying.
Now get off your stupid high horse about race and feeling sorry for yourself being an Indian and be proud of being an Indian.
We all came here from other countries but we came here to be Americans NOT Italian Americans, Greek Americans etc. Those that study Islam and the Koran and make at this particular school that IS connected to the Taliban are NOT people that love America, NO, they are people that have an agenda to follow in the steps of the terrorists!!!!!!
They are NOT here for what our Veterans have fought for to make this country free and safe and secure. THEY want to destroy our country, set up their own Islamic laws and get rid of the Infidels. And if YOU are not a Muslim you need to know that YOU are an Infidel and they want you dead even if you think they are just peachy keen jpechy . It makes no difference to them.
I think Indians are wonderful, and I have nothing against them and never have. I have been to POW WOWs, ate their fried bread, sang their songs with them, and appreicated their kindess to me.
This post/ article is not about the American Indian or the Germans or Japanese or any other immigrant other then those following Islam and what this school is about that if you read it again is located in Pakistan!!!!!!!!!!!! The school is a Taliban-backed madrassa !!!!!
I allowed your comment through because you need to WAKE UP!
Comrade jpeachy / jjihadi is your typical ‘BLAME AMERICA FIRST’ and ‘MILITANT REVISIONIST APOLOGIST’ Wild Thing. This ‘eat a peach’ lune thinks nothing of sending children to an Islamic Madrassa in a post-9-11-01 world? We always send our gets to a white neo-nazi supremist SUMMER CAMP every July too, ja vol? They look CUTE in their BROWN SHIRTS! WHO the F are these PEACHES? Eat a peach? NO WAY for their PITS are poisonous!
Jpeachy, first of all the Your blanket story is a bunch of bullshit, smallpox can not be transmitted that way. That is the same story Ward Churchill tried to use and it was again proven false and is nothing more than a bunch of lies.
Jpeachy, when people come to the United States, we expect them to Want to fit in, learn the language, they want to become one of US that is why they are here. Not start a sect, or continue on with the ways of the cult they left. Honor Killings is not part of being an American. Beating your wife is not part of being an American.
You can worship any damn thing you want to, but I will be goddamned if you are going to shove your religion down my throat,.. And don’t expect me to pay for your cockamayme religion or radical ideas. It don’t work that way.
Being an American also says I don’t have to listen to or put up with any of your crap either.
So grow up and start being one of the good guys.
And to B, You obviously have a problem with this country. One word to You, Leave.
Nobody cares who these boys are, but what we should care about and ingrates like yourself is that the American people paid for their ticket out of that god forsaken country.
Maybe it is time for us to start playing Cowboys and Molsems.
Jpeachy, of course I did not allow your last comments through. You said in your first comment …..” I just have a question for the people on here”…..meaning one question.
I believe it was answered by Darth and Mark and my reply. They were kind enough to take the time to answer you.
You stated in your last comment that did not get on here that you are a college professor. I am not surprised at that, and that alone is freightening to know (if it is true). That you are teaching the young minds of our great nation.
You question was answered there is no reason to allow your propaganda any further. This is not a blog to promote Islam we on here speak the truth about it.
Thank you so much Darth and Mark in your help!!!!