At a campaign event in Beaverton, OR, Obama claimed to have visited 57 U.S. States during the campaign. Wacth VIDEO. LMAO Oh my GAWD!
Stupid Omaba’s quote from the video:
“It is wonderful to be back in Oregon,” Obama said. “Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it.”
Here are some snipets from it…….
LA Times
Barack Obama wants to be president of these 57 United States
In his prepared remarks Obama was ready to start blasting Arizona Sen. John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, to show the Illinois Democrat is moving on to the general election campaign.
But first the freshman senator had to go through all the….
…obligatory delighted to see you, delighted to be here part of stump speeches that also require that you actually know where you are.
Obama pulled that off O.K. But then he drifted away from the text a tad,
“It is wonderful to be back in Oregon,” Obama said. “Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it.”
The Times’ conscientious Robin Abcarian thought she heard something different there. She checked her tape recorder. It had captured what he had actually said — 57 states now. A new Louisiana Purchase that’s gone unannounced so far? Was he channeling his inner John Kerry-Heinz 57 personality?
(UPDATE:fromLA Times article: ) At a later stop Obama was talking with reporters and expressed concern he’d also mis-stated the number of potential cyclone victims in Burma. He said, “”I hope I said 100,000 people the first time instead of 100 million. I understand I said there were 57 states today. It’s a sign that my numeracy is getting a little, uh.” At that point, an aide cut him off and ushered journalists out. Before he could mis-speak again?)
Oh, and as far as Hawaii voters are concerned, they’re probably delighted to learn that Obama’s campaign staff doesn’t think that tiny state can justify an appearance by his eminence, even though he did a lot of growing up there. Or maybe because he was there.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
57 States gives Michelle Obama more real estate to not feel proud of.
Obama’s list of added States………Iran 51……….. Venezuela 52………….. Cuba 53……………. N. Korea 54………. Syria 55………… Palestine 56……………. Mexico 57.
So like is this the CHANGE Obama is wanting? This man shouldn’t be allowed to work as a White House gardener, much less be president.
Zebra’s 7 ‘other’ states:
New York CITY, Hollyweirdo CalEfornYa,
(Detroit) Muzziegan, Muslimsota, Oregonner,
(Filthadelphia)Pennsylvania and East Floriduh?
No offense Wild Thing! Didn’t that MADRASSA teach Obama GEOGRAPHY and where our 50 states and their capitals ARE?
The dumb ass elitest can’t even count. So, there is a short between the headsets.
I’d be ashamed of myself for acting this way and I certainly wouldn’t be running for President.
Our kids see this and they act like that. What an idiot.
There is obviously a lot of basics Obama does not know or like about America.
I am not sure if I worry more about Obama, or the mindless character of the cultish hoardes that support him.
“I think one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii”
Also I didn’t know Alaska and Hawaii was just one state. Will B. Hussein rename it Alawaii? Just asking.
‘IF’ this POS makes it to the White House. Is he going to disown the Marine Corps Band, aka the President’s Own.
And what about ‘Ruffles and Flourishes’, and ‘Hail to the Chief’, is he, also going to change these too.
He won’t wear a flag pin, because he shows his ‘love for country’ in other ways. Rejecting the wearing of a Flag pin as mere symbolism.
That sounds good, however, his attitude toward this country and toward the People who make it work, those ‘middle class’ WHITE people are considered by him as rubes, clinging to the second amendment.
He ought to remember those rubes are the ones who will make or break him. At this point, his campaign is more like that of George McGovern, At least McGovern served HIS country and was one hell of a pilot. And like Mcgovern Hussein will go down in flames, just for and because of his disgusting attitude and elitist demeanor towards the people and the greatest country ever.
I will not mock B. Hussein Obama for his obvious error in referring to 57 states as the result of a gruelling, if not stupid, campaign schedule. There are other things to mock him about. However, it should be noted that he, his staff, supporters, and MSM will give him a pass on this misstatement.
Had John McCain said the same thing, Barack Obama and all those same people would be all over him like flies on shit. They would go negative using McCain’s age against him implying that he lost it and wasn’t qualified to be President as Obama did the same day when he accused McCain of “losing his bearings”. McCain’s unwillingness to go negative in response may very well cost him the election.
These stories remind me of the presidential debate where Ronald Reagan skillfully topped Walter Mondale with, “I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s youth and inexperience.”
It may have been an innocent gaff but the real humor is the fact that Beaverton is a suburb of Portland and that neither they nor Obama know how many states are in the Union beyond their own Socialist enclaves and never questioned the slip. As a former Alaskan I was always amazed that the MSM never included Alaska or Hawaii as part of the Union when discussing the news or other data, both being treated as ‘terrirories’, newsworthy only when there was a major tragedy or a political coup to exploit.
Only citizens residing in a State have the right to vote. Partially because this is what allows us the proper oversight on election procedures. Commonwealths and territories are not States and therefore do not have equal rights. That’s what statehood and citizenship are all about. On March 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Jones Act which granted Puerto Ricans U.S. Statutory citizenship. The U.S. Supreme Court declared that Puerto Rico was a territory rather than a part of the Union. The decision stated that the U.S. Constitution did not apply in Puerto Rico. Incorporated territories such as Puerto Rico are governed by their own lower level court systems. In 1940 the United States Congress granted U.S. Citizenship to Puerto Rican Natives only, but this still does not constitute them living in a State. This is why the ‘Union Bosses’ in both parties pander to the illegals, neither has the party strength to establish totalitarianism on their own but with an additional 20 million wetbacks voting the Socialists will have it in the bag.
Our Territories:
Puerto Rico
U.S. Virgin Islands
American Samoa
Northern Mariana Islands
Midway Islands
Wake Island
Johnston Atoll
Baker, Howland, and Jarvis Islands
Kingman Reef
Navassa Island
Palmyra Atoll
Can you believe this guy!—-I DON’T !!
This must get out to as many individuals as possible. It is unbeleivable that this does not make the news or the papers.
Obama Explains National Anthem Stance
On Sat, 22 Mar 2008 18:48:04 -0400, ‘LTG Bill Ginn’ USAF ret forwarded:
Hot on the heels of his explanation for why he no longer wears a flag pin,
presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama was forced to explain why he
doesn’t follow protocol when the National Anthem is played.
According to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171,
During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present
except those in uniform are expected to stand at attention facing the flag
with the right hand over the heart.
‘As I’ve said about the flag pin, I don’t want to be perceived as taking
sides,’ Obama said. ‘There are a lot of people in the world to whom the
American flag is a symbol of oppression. And the anthem itself conveys a
war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all.
It should be swapped for something less parochial and less bellicose.
I like the song ‘I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing.’ If that were our anthem,
then I might salute it.’
Is this the person we want for President? One who will not even respect our
National Anthem and is more worried about the feelings of other countries
then what our country stands for. I think it is time to send him to those
other countries he seems to love so much. And please take your wife who
has not ever been proud of this country before.
Darth, LOL maybe he missed those classes in geography like he said he ” missed” the sermons of Rev. Wright on hate America.
heh heh
GM CASSEL AMH1(AW) USN RET, Hahahahaha you right, he sure is.
Lynn, when I saw this video I thought of ingrained it is like second nature to know this. This is more then his being tired, much more. hahaha
Tom yes both are concerning. It shocks me how people think he is wonder boy, Messiah and the one that will solve every problem in their life. AUGH!
God hlep us and our country.
Bob, LOL , good catch I missed that. hahaha
Mark, POS is right!
My guess is if he does make it to being President he would probably LOVE to change any and all things he can get away with. Since he already said he wants to change the White House website which is a first class website right now, he probably would love to get rid of the Hail to the Chief and the other things you mentioned. Replace them with freaking Rap. I mean it, I bet he would love to do that. Now can he get away with it is another matter. There would be an outrage for sure if he did so God help us I hope there will be LOTS of outrage when and if he becomes President every time he tries to do anything.
Your right about McGovern too.
Les, …..
“Had John McCain said the same thing, Barack Obama and all those same people would be all over him like flies on shit”……
That is exactly what would happen.
I saw on Fox News today they told about Obama saying this.
Jack, thanks for sharing about that. Jack I agree too that is why they kiss up to the illegals.
Mark, OH my gawd, as I read that about the Anthem chills ran down my spine and I have goosebumps like when a person comes across something horrible kind of feeling.
I am going to put that in a post so more people see it.
Obama will never be my President never no matter what.If he does win we can all come up with some other name for him but I will never call him President or Mr. or anything showing respect.
This ‘Obamanatio’ will change ‘Hail To The Chief’ to ‘Shama Lama Ding Dong’ by Otis Day & Nights (Animal House, 1978)…. I’m sure a Shaka Zulu Day will be added to the calendar as another federal holiday! Our 31 Red States of America and Operation Chaos won’t let US down…!
B.for BUFFOON Hussein Obama Wants 57 States
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The only good hussein is a dead hussein