Hillary, Barack, want my vote? Just $20 million, please
What will it take for a Democratic presidential candidate to win the support of California superdelegate Steven Ybarra?
Say, $20 million.
The Democratic National Committee member doesn’t parse his words when it comes to what he wants from Barack Obama or Hillary Rodham Clinton – an ironclad promise to spend that heady amount to register Mexican-American voters and get them to the polls in November.
In a telephone interview Wednesday, he said he plans to remain undecided in the tight contest until “someone shows me the money.”
When will he settle on a candidate?
“Nobody showed me any money yet,” he said.
He’s not kidding. To Ybarra, a Sacramento lawyer, the stakes are no less than winning the presidency in November.
He predicted that as many as 1.3 million Mexican-Americans could be added to voter rolls in New Mexico, Colorado, Florida and other swing states, a potentially decisive edge for the eventual Democratic nominee.
With that investment of funds, Mexican-Americans would realize Democratic leaders “care about us,” Ybarra said, referring to Mexican-Americans.
Is $20 million a lot to ask?
In 2004, “they spent a billion to lose,” he said.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Voter fraud in full view! Welcome to the left-wing auction house. The Democrats return to their roots of bribes for votes.
“He predicted that as many as 1.3 million Mexican-Americans could be added to voter rolls in New Mexico, Colorado, Florida and other swing states.”
How many would be ILLEGALS who will be voting?? 1.29 Million??
The dummycraps will stop at nothing to win this election, even if it’s illegal.
That’s a kick in the seat of the pants of every legally registered voter!
We all ought to be up in arms over this!
Lynn, yes they will do whatever it takes. At first I thought the guy was kidding, but he is serious.
The lowest common denominator culture of the Clinton White House and Democrats in Congress has so poisoned the country that Democrats arrogantly and without fear of reprisal, play racial, ethnic, gender, and religious politics. They are the party of big money and will do anything to manipulate and win elections. Granting amnesty to over 12 million illegal aliens, who like Democrats have no respect for law and order, is just too easy for them to pass up.
Political parties are, legally, private clubs that support other club member’s runs for office.
States may give more popular parties aid, like holding primary elections, but they have no legal standing under the constitution.
If this dem’tard wants to sell his vote, he is not violating any laws here.
Of course, the moral thing to do would be to just kick him out of the convention.
This super-delegate thing is such a disgrace. I don’t support any of the candidates, democrat or republican but would not vote for anything that this “thing” endorses.
Bob A.
There is no public virtue without private virtue. The downside of capitalism is that it provides for only one facet of human nature; another facet, the moral sense, is outside consumption, and has been under siege by progressivism for a hundred years, and it’s almost dead.
It’s been mortally wounded by relativism and the progressive political promise of material wealth as the key to all well being and comfort. Ybarra wants money to purchase power to purchase more money. There was a time when these party apparatchik assholes wouldn’t be so candid. Not they aren’t ashamed because there’s no such thing as shame.
Illegals is what the democrats and sadly the Republicans are all about. Increasing their base for each successive election. And buying their vote with a Free lunch, health care, welfare, housing and of course we the People will get to pay for it.
When the hell are WE going to wake up.
Les, yes and why oh why can’t there be some good people on our side of the fence. Dems I expect the worst from, but it breaks my heart to see what we have happening in the RNC/GOP.
Kristopher, thanks, I was wondering if it was legal or not.
Bob I agree, tonight on TV I saw two dems saying they do not like the super-delegate thing and they wish their party would get rid of it. hahaha They should have thought of that before.
Thank God Republican’s don’t have such a horrible thing as super-delegates.
Rhod your so right, this shocked me how he not only was demanding this but also did it right out like you said no shame.
Mark yes and they are controlling our elected leaders. I wish more of America did have their eyes open as to what is happening. Wny on earth they don’t care I will never understand.
That’s some … CHANGE Mr. Obama! Money is the root of all evil. Juda$ $old out Jesus for 30 pieces of silver…and they wanted Barabbas?
Thanks for the post Wild.
You are right to ask the question: How many will be illegal invaders?
This is the whole purpose of the open border crowd in both parties. Get illegals amnesty, then get them to vote. The sad thing, beyond treason, is how stupid the GOP leaders are. They think the illegals given free citizenship will vote GOP. American citizenship is the most valuable thing in the world, and no one has the right to give it away.
What a bunch of idiots. All they need to do is look and see who “block-votes” for the Democrats now. The Democrats are eager for RINO help because they know they will get the block votes of illegal invaders.
The leadership of the Democratic Party is truly pathetic. Unfortunately the Republican Party is not much better. Not much of a choice for the American people.
Darth, yes it is a ton of money.
LomaAlta, your so right that is exactly both parties are guilty of this.
Bob, yes, it used to be such a vast difference between the two parties but not anymore.