Abu Ayyub al-Masri (aka Abu Hamza Al-Muhajer)….Successor to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
BAGHDAD: Reportedly leader of the Al-Qaida, Abu Ayyub Al-Misri in Iraq has announced to launch a new campaign against America and threatened that President Bush would be presented a new gift.Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, also known as Abu Ayyub al-Masri, said …………………
Al Qaeda offers head of American as ‘gift to Bush’
abc news
A leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq has announced a one-month campaign in which the group will “offer the head of an American” as a gift to US President George W Bush, according to an audiotape made public.
Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, better known as Abu Ayyub al-Masri, made the announcement in a speech entitled, “The Paths to Victory,” monitored by the SITE Intelligence Group.
In the speech to Islamist forums, he said mujahedeen, or holy warriors, would “offer the head of an American as a gift to the deceitful Mr Bush, in any manner [they] see fit.”
The campaign, to be called “Attack of Righteousness,” was announced in “celebration” of Mr Bush announcing that 4,000 Americans had died in the war in Iraq.
Masri is regarded by US commanders as the real leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq although the jihadist group constantly claims it is led by an Iraqi, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi.
US commanders say Baghdadi is a “cyber invention” and that he is a straw man invented to put an Iraqi face on a terrorist group led by foreigners who infiltrated Iraq to sow chaos and undermine the US-backed Government.
Egyptian-born Masri, reportedly an expert bomb maker, was named leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq in June 2006 following the death of his better-known Jordanian predecessor Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in an American air strike.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
He can’t stand that the surge is working. Psst! You are next sandmonkey!
Sounds like Salome asking for the head of John the Baptist as her 16th birthday present and Harod giving it to her.
I would ask this dingaling who is the real person being deceitful?
Allah don’t like it when you lie, you know.
I do not believe in EVOLUTION, but sandmonkeys that gloat while dipping their hands in American blood and their tails in oil … ? It’s time to
close up shop in the Baghdad GREEN ZONE and drop some HEAVY SH*T wherever and whenever we feel like doing so: OPERATION CRUSADE 2008! These islamofascist freaks need to be … eliminated and the sooner the better!
Time for his momma to get a telegram: Dear Mrs. Sand-flea, your son the terrorist sand-flea won’t be home for Ramadan, his head is on its way to Washington D.C. to be displayed on the White House gate as a reminder to our enemies that you are messing with the biggest, baddest, toughest military in the world. Regards: G.W. Bush. Time to gather the posse and ride! Let’s go after him right now and present his head to the world.
Get out of the UN, then we’ll be able to win a decisive battle. BTW gut shoot that ratbastard peanut brained traitor, let peritonitis set in, then bury his sorry ass next to Arafat.
Lynn, yes and he thinks that will scare us? That is what they do behead people we know that so that is not a huge threat, especially against our bombs and our troops.
Darth…” islamofascist freaks need to be … eliminated and the sooner the better”….they sure do.
Our troops and Iraqi’s troops are getting a lot of them every day.
PeteSuj, heh heh love the telegram.
Jack that is a great idea, I agree.