Title of Video: Child Stabs President Bush to Death and Turns the White House into a Mosque in a Hamas TV Puppet Show
Following is an excerpt from a puppet show, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on March 30, 2008.
Bush: Who are you? What brings you to my home? How did they let you in, boy? My guards! My soldiers! Get this boy out of here.
Child: Nobody will take me out of here.
Bush: Who are you to come here and threaten me?! You are on my own turf, you little child, you! Get out. My dear, bring your father, your grandfather, or your mother, so I can talk to them. Get somebody older and smarter than you. What, you came here on your own?
Child: You killed daddy in the Iraq war. It’s true, you killed him in the Iraq war. As for my mom – you and the criminal Zionists killed her in Lebanon. You and the criminal Zionists also killed my younger and older brothers in the Gaza holocaust. I’m an orphan, you criminal!
Bush: What are you talking about? Where did you come from? Don’t I have enough troubles already? Where did you come from?
Child: I have come to take revenge with this sword – revenge for my mother and my sisters. You are a criminal, Bush! You are despicable. You made me an orphan! You took everything from me, Bush! I must take revenge on you, with this sword of Islam, the Prophet’s Al-Battar sword.
Bush: No… No, my dear. I give you my word that this is it. I repent, just don’t kill me. Where are my guards? Where are my people? Help! Help! He wants to kill me. Help!
Child: There are no guards, and your people have surrendered, Bush. I have not come alone, Bush. I have brought thousands of thousands of children from Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Afghanistan. You have denied all these children their fathers and mothers. That’s why I have come to take revenge on you and on all the criminal traitors who collaborated with you.
Bush: Okay, fine, that’s enough. I will give you whatever you want from me.
Child: What can you give me? All I want is one thing. Bring back my father and mother. I don’t want anything from you. I don’t want anything from you, just bring back my father and mother. I place my trust in Allah. I need to kill you.
Bush: No, my dear. Enough. I will give you anything you want. I also… Enough with that. Come with all your friends to the White House. I will give you food and toys. We will sit in the White House and talk. You will get whatever you need.
Child: You are impure, Bush, so you are not allowed inside the White House.
Bush: What are you saying?! Why am I not allowed into the White House?
Child: Because it has been turned into a great mosque for the nation of Islam. I will kill you just like Mu’az killed Abu Lahab. I will kill you, Bush, because that is your fate.
Child stabs Bush repeatedly
Child: Ahhh, I killed him.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Sick, sick, sick sadistic and pathetic evil. Teaching this crap to kids!
The fact that we are one of the demented savages, the PA’s largest supporters simply boggles the mind.
This is the typical sick, twisted stuff muslim children are exposed to every day. Islamic brainwashing starts as soon as they exit the womb. it’s no wonder they grow up to be murdering Jihadist robots.
And his more than qualifies as a threat on the life of the President Of The United States. The Secret Service should now conduct interviews of all individuals with any association with this organization, especially C.A.I.R.
And there is this:
Obama: Man of the World
NY Times
Published: March 6, 2007
“I was a little Jakarta street kid,” he said in a wide-ranging interview in his office (excerpts are on my blog, www.nytimes.com/ontheground). He once got in trouble for making faces during Koran study classes in his elementary school, but a president is less likely to stereotype Muslims as fanatics — and more likely to be aware of their nationalism — if he once studied the Koran with them.
Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated, Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.”
….Thank you Rac for sending this to me.
This is truly sick! We can’t show a movie about them, but they can show this crap to children?
Excuse me, but this is not what you show to youngsters! I do not let my kids watch splatter movies, so why would any mother allow her children to watch this video?
These people have become so involved with their so called Religion of Peace that they’ve stepped over the line into insanity.
They get mad over bad depictions of them, but they can humiliate us and do bad depictions of us?
What a bunch of losers.
This shows that the war with islam will continue for generations. This war is already more than fourteen centuries old.
I also wonder how much of this brainwashing goes on in mosques and muslim schools right here in America.
And, we keep letting more immigrate here!
I agree, this will Never be over. Until and unless we as a civilised People eradicate Islam.
Unfortunately, we are probably too civilised to do what needs to be done.
Those nits make lice!!!
1. To remain alive or in existence.
2. To carry on despite hardships or trauma; persevere: families that were surviving in tents after the flood.
3. To remain functional or usable: I dropped the radio, but it survived. 1. To live longer than; outlive: She survived her husband by five years. 2. To live, persist, or remain usable through: plants that can survive frosts; a clock that survived a fall. 3. To cope with (a trauma or setback); persevere after: survived child abuse.
It is an ageless rule. To survive each of us has to pick up that cudgel and defend our birthright, islam is no different than any other threat, their followers are implacable, it is kill or be killed. Wake up America, Obama isn’t your salvation, he is the enemy. Even the muzzies believe he is a muzzie.
in the 1920’s and early 30’s, kids in Germany and Japan played war games in school. I observe a similarity here, but it’s not Bush who is a nazi.
The people that made and promote this hate film are the same people that George Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton are dedicated to forcing the creation of a second and artificial Palestinaian state for (Jordan being the first). This savage and barbaric Islamofascist hate speech and brainwashing is infecting Europe, the United States, and the rest of the world similar to the AIDS epidemic. Untreated, millions of infidels will fall victim to a slow and painful Sharia law slow death.
Les, there is nothing wrong with the palistianians having their own state. They deserve it and we need it. They do not have one now because they want all of Israel as their state and like to claim stateless victimhood at the hands of Israel. Give them their own state and them hold them accountable for their own lives and livelyhood instead of as wretched refugees. Or else absorb them into the surounding existing states.
Odin – the surrounding states have already refused to take them and the Palestinians refuse to accept accountability for their own livelyhood. Look how they trashed Gaza. No, they only want the end of Israel.
Lynn, exactly, they are insane I think all of them. To do what they do to children and a child only knows what they are taught or shown from a young age. It is sickening and so evil what they do.
Tom your right that is the very thing we have happening too. Like that article about the group that is checking out the mosques and saudi schools here how they are teaching hate of America etc. Very scary stuff.
Plus like you said too, these are future generations that will have to be dealt with.
Wollf yes that is part of the problem too.
Jack……”Wake up America, Obama isn’t your salvation, he is the enemy. Even the muzzies believe he is a muzzie”….YES they sure do, that is just how they refer to him like you said.
Odin, yes there have been article written about how similar the Nazi’s brain washing are to Islam.
The hard part and difference also is that this enemy if not in uniform and it is all over the world and also in our homeland. This enemy imo is the worst the world has even seen.
Les, I agree, this is like some horrible sickens straight from hell. Not even like it IS straight from hell.
“Untreated, millions of infidels will fall victim to a slow and painful Sharia law slow death.”
Odin, when the Jews moved out of Gaza the terrorists and that’s what they are, they celebrated and lied and said how they had won. They did not win, Olmert made the Jews leave there was no win by the Hamas/PA or anyone.
The Jews had marvelous farmland and hot houses of plants that were destroyed by the terrorists after the Jews left. This enemy of ours and of Israel can’t even take something beautiful and keep it nice even for themselves, their hate is so strong they want to destory things a Jew even touches or breaths on.
Odin, the concept of an Arab population calling themselves “Palestinians” having their own state is a recent historical contrivance to deny the Jews their many millennium homeland of Israel. So, I disagree with you that the “Palestinians” whose sole purpose in life is to destroy Israel deserve a state just because they demand it. Jordan, with it’s majority Palestinian population is, in fact, the defacto Palestinian state. If they don’t like it then they can suffer permanent self-inflicted hardship and humiliation for they will never occupy nor destroy the state of Israel.
Only FOX showed this islamo evil! CNN – nothing! CBS, nothing! But islam is a religion of peace, eh? My ayatollah assahola WT!!!!
Darth, thanks I was wondering. The other stations want to protect the terrorists. grrrrrr