25 Feb

Facilitator of Intelligence and Suicide Operations For Al-Qaida Sent To 72 Virgins

The identification card found on Abu Karrar, also known as Arkan Khalaf Khudayyir, an al-Qaida in Iraq intelligence and suicide operations facilitator in Diyala Province. Karrar was killed Feb. 17 during a Coalition operation near Khan Bani Sad. Department of Defense photo.

Al-Qaida in Iraq Intelligence and Suicide Operations Facilitator Killed
A terrorist killed during an operation Feb. 17 has been positively identified as Abu Karrar.
Karrar, also known as Arkan Khalaf Khudayyir, was a senior intelligence leader involved in the al-Qaida in Iraq network in Baqouba. He was also a terrorist facilitator for the suicide bombing network in the Diyala River Valley region, which conducts attacks in Baghdad, to include attacks by female suicide bombers. Reports indicate the network has been disrupted by recent successful Coalition operations in the area.
Karrar was killed when Coalition forces conducted an operation near Khan Bani Sad Sunday afternoon. As Coalition forces arrived in the target area, they observed Karrar and another suspect fleeing their vehicle. Karrar brandished a weapon with the perceived intent to fire on Coalition forces. The assault force engaged, killing both men. Coalition forces discovered an AK-47 and ammunition in the vehicle, and they destroyed the vehicle to prevent further use for terrorist activity.

“Iraqi and Coalition forces will relentlessly pursue terrorist leaders, like Abu Karrar, who plan al-Qaida’s indiscriminate attacks on innocent civilians,” said Maj. Winfield Danielson, MNF-I spokesman.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Another good news day for our troops! I guess we better whisper about this so Pelosi, Reid, Murtha, Kerry etc. don’t get upset…….NOT! haahahahahha

Lynn says:

Yippee! Another one bites the dust! (thank you Queen!) Another bites the dust!
We ARE so good!

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Just read http://www.jihadwatch.org (islam 101)and it amazes me to no end how 86% of American Christians and 2% of American Jews haven’t all UNITED to wipe islamofascists off the face of the earth! Simply amazing WT and Team Theodore! 86% Holy Bible and 2% Torah versus 2% Quran? That’s 88% versus 2% !!!

TomR says:

This Abu Karrar was one of the “brave” ones who sent misguided and/or retarded youths out on suicide missions. Our troops don’t care if you are the “sender” or “sendee”. You deal with bombs, you die!!

Wild Thing says:

Lynn( big ole smile) Yessss our troops rock!!

Wild Thing says:

Darth, thank you so much for that information. Good grief!!!! It is shocking!!!!

Wild Thing says:

Tom, thanks, and I agree with our troops. OH yesssssss