25 Feb

To Code Pink and Other American Hating Monsters


Move America Forward Fights Berkeley Council
Move America Forward is proud to unveil our brand-new TV ad that fights back against the Berkeley City Council’s campaign against our military.

The petition
We, the undersigned condemn the Berkeley City Council’s treasonous attack on US Marine Recruiters stationed in their city. We ask that Congress cut off funds from any and all municipal entity within the confines of the city of Berkeley, California, until such time as the city council withdraws it’s action.
The City Council has voted to tell the Marines their downtown recruiting station is not welcome and “if recruiters choose to stay, they do so as uninvited and unwelcome guests.”
The measure passed last week by a vote of 8-1.
The council also voted to explore enforcing a city anti-discrimination law, focusing on the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.
In a separate item, the council voted, also 8-1, to give the Marxist protest group Code Pink a parking space in front of the recruiting office once a week for six months and a free sound permit for protesting once a week.


Wild Thing’s comment…….
I am so glad Move America Forward has done this ad. Anyway we can fight back is a good thing.

….Thank you SSgt. Steve for sending this to me.

Lynn says:

I’m glad we live in a country where we have free speech and all, but this is ridiculous. Cities against the military. I agree. No government funding, including those for their children’s schools. The university should lose it’s funding as well.
I’m sorry, but this was just wrong. Code Pinko is ruining America and they look stupid doing it.
I think we ought to have Code Green and dress in camo and protest just as much as they do. We’d get thrown in jail, though. It’s that double standard–okay for them, but not for us.
And was that Michael Moore in drag in that first picture?

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Are their Code Pinkos in Saudi Arabia? Are there Code Pink Kooks in Russia and Communist China? In Afghanistan? In Cuba? No? … Just in Hollyweirdo LA LA Land and San Fransicko, eh! What would Vlad Putin and Al-Qaeda do to these PINK INFIDELS?

TomR says:

I signed and commented. Berkely is Obamaville!

John says:

ROTFLMAO Lynn!!!!!!!!!!! You are soooooo right…….it does look like Moore in drag!!!!!!!!
I have an idea Darth…….let’s send a few Pinkos over to Putin and Al-Qaeda and see what happens!!!! At least it would get them out of our country!!!!! And if they showed up in Iraq or Afghanistan, they would make perfect targets for our Marines!!!!!!!!!!!

Mark says:

Amen, I signed the petition. All those aging hippies, just don’t look the same.

Jack says:

I signed the petition also. For all the good it will do, it’s like kicking a tire that’s flat. Collectively there isn’t a pair in both houses of congress that will stand up when the cities contravene the Federal and State laws through their sedition, treason and insubordination where they create sanctuaries for illegals and align themselves with ‘sister cities’ in Communist countries. If they are going to impose their form of Fascism on the citizens then they should suffer the same fate as Benito Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci at the hands of the rest of the law abiding citizens. Unfortunately, I’d never lift a finger to stop street justice either.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, LMAO oh my gosh it does look like Moore.
I like the Code Green and dress in camo, heh heh

Wild Thing says:

Darth nope and that sure speaks volumes about the freedoms we have in our country doesn’t it. And then they go and protest against those that fought for code pinks freedom, pretty darn stupid on code pinko’s part. grrrrrrrrrrrr

Wild Thing says:

Tom, I signed it too.
Your right about Berkely being Obamaville!

Wild Thing says:

John I like that idea. heh heh They deserve it!

Wild Thing says:

Mark, LOL they look worse then ever as they age don’t they. hahaha

Wild Thing says:

Jack, yes, I am believe so strongly that what code pink etc. are doing is full out treason and I honeslty will not be content about this stuff till there is some kind of punishment broght back for people that commit treason. We are at war and that should count for something when it comes to acts of treason.