One of the things I’ve come to love about writing for the Internet is the new friends I make whose perception sometimes make me smack my forehead in wonder that in all my years some insight they easily offer up had so completely eluded me until now. One such is a jarhead, and believe me, as an old paratrooper, I use that term with respect and brotherly affection. Old Leatherneck, Troy Watson, introduced me to the concept of Chronic Marine Syndrome, which as best I can determine is the inspiration of retired Marine Corps Brigadier General, Mike Mulqueen.
Reading the list of symptoms associated with Chronic Marine Syndrome, I realized quickly that the New York Times and other mainstream media organizations have been right all along that those who serve their country, and especially those who have actually fought in their country’s service have most likely developed a syndrome which, considering the moral fiber of the mainstream media and the nation of sheep they seek to form and lead, could accurately be categorized by them as pathological.
Pardon me Marines in general, and General Mulqueen, specifically, but I think CMS extends beyond the Corps and infects past, present, and surely the future ranks of all American military services. Consider, if you will, but a few of the symptoms General Mulqueen has defined as markers of this unique infliction, as well as some others I have added:
First and foremost, having confidence in who they are
Possessing pride in oneself, one’s organization and the country they serve
Being knowledgeable of and comfortable with the terms honor, courage and commitment
Determined to see the mission, regardless of temporary setbacks, accomplished
Often either respected or despised by others, due to their unique abilities and talents
Internally and essentially immune to organizational political correctness
Able to meet you with a firm handshake and look you in the eye
When not a warrior, a first responder, cop, fireman, nurse, doctor, EMT, etc.
If he/she says “Hang on, I’m coming for you,” you can bet your life, they’re coming for you
Shares the tremendous pride and the undying respect of his or her family
Shares the tremendous pride and the undying respect of his or her buddies, military and civilian
Shares rations, water and candy bars with the unfortunate children of war
Shares, unfortunately, the gratitude of only some of us in this nation he or she protects
Yes, I’m beginning to see where the media can make a sensational case that these people, these soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen that we send out in harm’s way to defend us, somehow possess a demonstrable set of symptoms that clearly differentiate them from far too many in America today, especially these selfsame parasites in the mainstream media who greedily suck at the nation’s wounds and feast on the world’s offal. Since these symptoms seem to apply solely to a unique minority of volunteers who place selflessness above all other virtues, a condition of some rarity in this age of “me first,” I can now understand how those staunch, courageous patriots at the New York Times and their fellow travelers at the broadcast networks see our returning warriors as unwell in some way.
Yep, I simply can question their judgment no longer; our troops returning from the Mideast wars are indeed afflicted and it’s time to give that affliction a catchy name like the one the media loves for my generation of warriors: PTSD. However, considering the group of symptoms described above, I think we should call this current problem, CWS: Chronic Warrior Syndrome.
Long may our young warriors be afflicted. HOOOAHH!
Russ Vaughn
Vietnam 65-66
Here’s the link to Troy Watson’s …. the 7th Marines
Wild Thing’s comment…….
This is so good and says soooo much that I wish the lefties would read and get it in their thick heads. Thank God for the Marines and all that have served in all the branches, and serve today and for the Chronic Warrior Syndrome.
….Thank you Russ for writing this and sending this to me!
……………And thank you Mark for this awesome graphic.
Semper Fi, Russ!
From the Devil Pup.
Russ & Mark: This is my all time favorite Marine Recruiting Poster. I’ve been looking for one for my office, with no luck.
Does anyone know where I can purchase one?
Semper Fi
Yours In The Bond,
Bad A**
Semper Fi to the Wolfpack! Furnecks too…
Wolf Hundts … (Leathernecks, Devil Dogs)!
– Sands of Iwo Jima “There she goes!!!”
Golly, I have Chronic Warrior Syndrome. No wnder I don’t watch television or read newspapers any more. This is a terminal syndrome. I will never get over it!
If the Lefties read it, they would want them all going to “Shrinks” because that doesn’t fit their mold of what being an American is.
Thanks Mark and Chrissie.
“For those who have fought for it, freedom has a taste the protected will never know.”
Russ has outdone himself once more.
If I have Chronic Warrior Syndrome it is one I hope to never be cured of.
Let’s not forget Teufel Hunden, the Original Wolves of Belleau Wood.
I hope you understand Miss Thing, I simply could not bear to not shamelessly steal that and put it in my humble lair.
I hate photoshop…..I have Brown eyes….sheesh.
Fun Post.
‘This is a terminal syndrome’ — TomR
I hope not. Uncurable would be nice.
Lynn, glad to know you Devil Pup. (big smile)
Steve, I am not sure, I would guess that maybe contacting the Marine Corps about it and their past posters they might have a place a person can buy one. I love it too, it is so awesome.
Sgt. John M. Stryker, love it, thanks.
Tom I am so glad to know you and you do have Chronic Warrior Syndrome. You are one of America’s heroes and just have to live with that as how it is. Big smile.
Bob yes they sure are a mess, the left has no clue at all, not even a little.
Jack yes you sure do have it and I am honored to know you.
Wollf, absolutely you can have it. It is such a fantastic poster.
Odin, yes it would be and I think it is uncurable when a person has it.
The one I always liked is:”When in doubt empty the magizine.”
FYI: When I was in the US Luftwaffe from 1976-2007, I used to write the DOD Lithograph printing office in Washington DC and purchase the DOD posters and lithographs … They were very reasonably priced, big time! I’m sure the Pentagon personnel could give you the address, or any US military recruiter. I used to get sets of 12 – 2 x 3 USAF lithos for $12 plus shipping and handling….