Contributed by Bill Faith of Old War Dogs Blog
There once was a mayor; Master Bates,
Who chided Marines; whom he hates,
He prefers cunning runts,
Who play Cupid stunts,
And wear nothing but pink on their dates.Security needs went unplugged,
Film rolled while Medea still mugged,
The council would meet,
While thugs roamed their beat,
Flags burned in the streets as Bates shrugged,
Like Nero who played with his fiddle,
Bates’ actions remain a big riddle,
His city would host,
A leftist’s pig roast,
But the meat still is pink in the middle.
We all hope and pray for a quake
That will give Bates’ poor city a shake,
And then we’ll ignore,
As he stands to implore,
“Send help! For humanity’s sake!”
We’ll watch as you shake and you cry,
When help is slow, you’ll ask “Why?”
Without reason or rhyme,
And despite your foul crime,
We’ll be there, save your ass, “Semper Fi!”
The Gray Dog
Wild Thing’s comment……..
I LOVE this! Thank you The Gray Dog.
Good one Gray Dog!
Berkeley is catching Hell from people all over America. I would love to see the pending bills passed that cut off state and federal funding to Berkeley.
Tom thank you so much for commenting on this. I loved it so much and and hoped others liked it too.
I hope the do cut off funds to Berkely. From the last I heard Pelosi is holding the whole thing up.