07 Feb

John McCain: Razing Arizona

McCain rips club for growth during a trip to New Hampshire
This is an illegal alien lay-up site, of which there are thousands along our southern frontier, because of policies by open-border Senator John McCain.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
What amazes me is McCain WON his own State of AZ. What the hell is wrong with residents of AZ.? By voting for McCain how can they make one complaint now about the illegals and their crimes, murder, rape, molesting children, drugs etc. Give me a break! They had a chance on Super Tuesday to vote big time for Romney a man that calls it like it is Amnesty and he said to right to McCain during the debates. They had a choice and I think they made the wrong one.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Any ‘Inside the Beltway’ senator/sinator IS the PROBLEM – majority wise – and Mark Twain was right when he said “The French are governed by prostitutes…” Governor Romney or Huckabee would be aok in my book… I could sleep nights as well.

drstrangeloveb52isok says:

Who ya gonna believe?
A. McCain
B. Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Survey Say’s… ding ding ding: B. Sheriff Joe Arpaio!

Lynn says:

Whoever said Americans were logical?
We listen to CNN (Chicken Noodle News) way too much and believe every word, even if it hasn’t been researched. How many times has a story ended up being a hoax or an outright lie?
We’re spoonfed everything and expected to believe it.

TomR says:

McCain has no conscience. He will say anything to serve the purpose of the moment. His morals are the same as the Clintons. The only difference in November’s presidential race will be gender. And for Hillary THAT is questionable.

BobF says:

Why wouldn’t the people of Arizona not vote for McCain? After all, they’re the ones who sent him to the Senate.
The problem with most voters is that they are self centered and only care if it affects them; what’s in it for me. If they feel pulling the lever for McCain, Hillary, or Obama won’t affect them personally in any way, they could care less how it affects the nation.

L says:

John McCain speaks with forked tongue.

Wild Thing says:

Darth that is so true it is the leaders that are the problem. They sure hate to follow our laws or have others ( the illegals) obey our immigration laws.

Wild Thing says:

drstrangeloveb52isok, Sheriff Joe Arpaio all the way. Yep

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, LOL good one…..”Chicken Noodle News”.

Wild Thing says:

Tom heh heh Nick said something similar about Hillary.

Wild Thing says:

Bob see your right, I just don’t get it why they don’t learn. sigh

Wild Thing says:

L , he sure does. grrrr