Rush: Huck “Absurd,” Thompson “Stellar”
Rush begins by calling Huck’s assertion that the Reagan coalition is dead and Republicans don’t care about little people “absurd,” then plays clips of Thompson’s debate performance. Rush called Fred Thompson’s performance “stellar.”
Here’s some of the transcript:
THOMPSON: Governor Huckabee’s campaign manager said it accurately in terms of what they believe. They believe that it is over. This is a battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party and its future. On the one hand, you have a Reagan revolution; you have the Reagan coalition of limited government, and strong national security. On the other hand, you have the direction that Governor Huckabee would take us in. He would be a Christian leader, but he would also bring about liberal economic policies, liberal foreign policies.
RUSH: And, you know, now, this was unique. This has not happened to date in Republican debates with a Republican calling another Republican a liberal. And this is why Fred was considered to be on fire. He continued.
THOMPSON: He believes we have an arrogant foreign policy in the tradition of blame-America first. He believes that Guantanamo should be closed down and those enemy combatants brought here to the United States to find their way into the court system eventually. He believes in taxpayer funded programs for illegals, as he did in Arkansas. He has the endorsement of the National Education Association, and the NEA said it was because of his opposition to vouchers. He said he would sign a bill that banned smoking nationwide. So much for federalism, so much for state’s rights, so much for individual rights. That’s not the model of the Reagan coalition. That’s the model of the Democratic Party.
RUSH: Where has this been? Everybody is asking, “Where has this been,” besides on this program? Where has this been in the context of the Republican debates? When I got home from dinner last night and started checking e-mail both from friends and just others, it was just shy of orgasmic — there was so much excitement and happiness, and people were also frustrated, where’s this been? Fred’s finally come alive. This is an annunciation of the conservative agenda that has not been present in their debates before, and everybody has known, a lot of people have known it’s there. It just hasn’t surfaced. So now, because of Fred’s stellar performance last night — I should say Senator Thompson’s stellar performance, guess what’s happening? It’s predictable. The Drive-Bys, media commentators, the pundits who ought to be so ashamed of blowing New Hampshire as badly as they did, they shouldn’t be able to show their face, they suffer no embarrassment whatsoever, they are saying it’s too little, too late. We had two states. We had the Hawkeye Cauci; we’ve had New Hampshire. We had two states. It’s too late? Fred doesn’t have a chance? Just wait ’til we get to these states where there are full-fledged conservative Republicans, not like New Hampshire, where McCain won the election with Democrats and independents. Mitt Romney got a majority of the Republican vote in New Hampshire. But the Republicans, in a Republican primary, were outnumbered by Democrats and independents.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
We have no doubt now who Rush wants to win. I understand why he won’t endorse anyone. I was listening to Sean today and he appears to be waking up also. I hate to use an old cliche but the perfect storm is forming. History is happening and we are a part of something great.
The smallness of the times begs for greatness. The founders understood this. We are fortunate to follow their stride!
Next time you see a ‘Democrat Strategist’… ask them WHY they blew the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, and why impeached Bubba Clinton is their ONLY re-elected two term democratic president since FDR in 1944, during WW II? Strategist, eh?
I hope this is a Thompson battle front growing. But, I have been too disappointed too many times by Repub screw ups and shallow or phony players to get my dreams up right now. I am just taking a wait and see attitude as all I can do is provide one primary vote. Way, way too many Repubs have proven to not be what they presented themselves to be and that has cost us power in Congress and the electorate.
The Dream Team: Thompson and Hunter.
I think Fred’s new found enthusiasm has been there all along, but many refused to listen to him because he is very careful about what he says and how he says it. He’s a master at communication. He says what he means and means what he says. No minced words here. He’s not some preacher boy or slick snake oil salesman or a grumpy old fart or an escapee from the looney bin–he’s Fred. Just plain old Fred. Like it or not, the man has balls enough to run this nation into a wonderful bright world of tomorrow.
Isn’t it strange that Dennis wants a re-count in New Hampshire. I heard there were a bunch of car’s with Mass plates on them at all the polling places.
Also I guess anyone can vote in New Hampshire all you have to do is show up… Now that’s the democrat party we all know and distrust.
Darth, giggle, good one!!!
Tom I know exactly how you feel. It is like I am holding m breath regarding politics knowing there very well could be another disappointment.
Like Congress is loaded with Communists. sheesh
Bob that would be such an awesome team. sigh I would love that sooooo much.
Lynn, Fred is finally getting what he should have all along, noticed, quoted and the media can’t ignore him now after SC. I am so proud of him.
Mark I hadn’t heard about the out of State cars thanks. I am glad Dennis is making waves about the voting. I hated all that chad stuff that went on in Florida, I thought it would never end. And I didn’t live here then but that it was crazy to go through, waiting and waiting.
Mark will remember this. When we used to hang out at DC’s, one of the lefty posters there (last year) expressed an interest in Huckabee. None of us knew anything about Huckabee, even DC. Now I know why the lefty liked him.
I had enough of compassionate conservatism after its first year, and Huckabee offers more of the same. It’s just an inability to accept that government is not an engine of righteousness.
The battle for the soul of the Republican Party started in 2000, when we started the struggle to reconcile our expectations of Bush with his performance. Huckabee would be worse.
I’ll say this for Bush. He taught me to be suspicious of committed Christians in office.
Rhod I sure do agree with what you said. I will always remember too how whewn Bush was running for his first 4 years, Rush Limbaugh went on about him for a month of more about Bush saying he was a compassionate comservative and how it was not good, not good at all and he kept telling Bush via his talk show to stop saying that.
Your so right about the year 2000 too. I am very leary of anyone in politics now after Carter and Bush that make their religion part of their campaign, very leary. So Huckabee is for me like a huge siren going off, BERWARE Chrissie he is not to be trusted and there is no way I can ever change how I feel about it.