06 Dec

In Country With Our Troops Baghdad

Coalition forces capture weapons and foreign terrorist facilitators, 10 detained
Dec 5, 2007
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces detained 10 suspected terrorists during operations Wednesday to disrupt al-Qaeda operations in central and northern Iraq.
In Baghdad, Coalition forces captured a wanted individual believed to be involved in terrorist media and propaganda operations. The wanted individual is allegedly associated with foreign terrorist facilitation networks operating in the region and weapons facilitators recently detained by Coalition forces during operations Nov. 17 and 18. Additionally, the ground force discovered a large amount of terrorist propaganda materials on site.
Farther north, Coalition forces captured another wanted individual believed to be involved in weapons facilitation and car-bombing attacks in Tikrit. Reports indicate the suspect is associated with other al-Qaeda in Iraq weapons facilitators operating in the southern belt terrorist network.
During an operation in al-Hadid, the ground force detained a wanted individual involved in al-Qaeda in Iraq media and propaganda operations. The suspect is allegedly associated with several al-Qaeda in Iraq members recently detained or killed by Coalition forces, to include the terrorist media cell leader for the Diyala province who was killed during an operation Dec. 4.
The other operations in Samarra and Mosul, Coalition forces detained seven suspected terrorists while targeting al-Qaeda in Iraq associates involved in improvised explosive device attacks and foreign terrorist facilitation.

“Our operations are steadily chipping away at the al-Qaeda in Iraq networks,” said Maj. Winfield Danielson, MNF-I spokesman. “We will continue to pressure these terrorists who conduct brutal attacks on the Iraqi people until al-Qaeda cannot recover.”

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

By putting a bullet into each one of the foreign insurgent’s heads… the word would get back to Syria and Iran and Saudi Arabia and Chechnia… and there would be fewer insurgents… WTF?