Rich countries must pay up to help poor countries adapt to climate change
oxfm ….for complete article
Current payments an ‘insult’ to developing countries says Oxfam
Rich countries have paid only $67m into a UN fund to help the world’s poorest countries adapt to climate change which is less than what Americans spend on suntan lotion each month, according to a new report published today by international agency Oxfam.
“This figure represents quite an insult, to be frank, given that the least developed countries will need at least $1-2 billion to meet just their most urgent adaptation needs,” said report author Charlotte Sterrett. Oxfam calls on rich countries gathering in Bali for the 13th UN conference on climate change to honour their promises and increase their commitments to pay adaptation costs.
Bali needs to tackle both cause and effect equally. Even if the world stopped polluting today, the worsening impacts of climate change will be with us for 30 years or more. That’s why it is so vital that rich countries help developing countries to cope now. This would also signal their genuine intent to tackle the problem,” she said.
“Oxfam wants to see negotiators in Bali set a plan for identifying new finance-raising mechanisms, so that vulnerable communities in developing countries will have the resources and support they need to plan for and protect themselves from the worst impacts of climate change. This is not about aid, it is about the world’s biggest and richest polluters covering the costs forced upon those who are most vulnerable,” she said.
Wild Thing’s comment……….
The looters are gathering at the gates.
What a bunch of BS! I only put some snipets of the article here, it is ticking me off how gready and stupid this whole thing is. You all are so right it is ALL about MONEY and they want USA dollars big time. CHA. CHING. Gimme yer dough. As a rule, money sent to aid third world countries ends up in numbered Swiss bank accounts.
So, will they feel better if we send them suntan oil.
We sent them condoms and they don’t use them. They still overbreed and spread disease.
“They still overbreed and spread disease.” – TomR
Yeah, the disease they spread is themselves.
I was wondering; if I ‘open-air’ burn trash and brush in my backyard, will someone come pay me to stop? I need the $$. (greenbacks, NO pesos)
Tom you are right, I heard an interview with a media type interviewing one of those third guys and that question came up. What they did you do with all the condoms the U.S. has sent you, and the guy said, ‘Gee, we swallow 3 at a time and the wife, she still got pregnant.’
This is nothing more than a glorified Food for Oil scam, where some of the most senior officials at the at UN will get rich at our expense and the third world countries that are suppose to get the help get the rotten rice instead, and nothing changes.
Tom, hahahaha I love how you put that.
Backyard Brush Burner Steve, worth a try. hahaha
Probably fine you instead depending on where you live.
When I was little girl in Illinois, we always burned our fall leaves. I remember when we had to stop doing it, they said we had no permit. Permit??? sheesh We lived in the country.
Mark, “glorified Food for Oil scam”….exactly.
I contributed to global warming recovering from my Monday colonoscopy! Could have filled up the Goodyear Blimp….
Darth, hahaha yikes
Sure glad all is ok.