Quanell X and the New Black Panther Party Confronted by Joe Horn Supporters
Pasadena, TX
Joe Horn is 61 year old , he heard some noises next door on Thursday afternoon. He was watching a neighbor’s home while they were away. With a quick look out the window he saw a burglary in process.
He diled 911 and the dispatcher told him to sit tight, the police were on the way.
He watched two guys crawl out of a back window. First he sees him crawl in. He calls the cops and they say, they’re on their way, they’re on their way. Well, the people are inside and he’s on the phone saying, okay, guys, where are they? Come on, where are they? “They’re on their way, sir.” He sees them start getting out of the house and he says, “They’ve got a bag of stuff from my friend’s house. I’m not going to let them get away with it. I’ve got a gun.” And the 911 operator says, “Please, sir, don’t do that, don’t go out and do it, you’ll get yourself killed.” And he said, “I’m not going to get killed; I’ll kill them.” Well, that’s exactly what he did.
Instead Horn grabbed a 12 gauge shotgun went outside and as the two Hispanic legal immigrants – Miguel Antonio DeJesus, 38, and Diego Ortiz, 30 – were leaving, Horn shot them three times in the chest from a distance of 15 feet.
The call to 911.
Quanell X (Farrkan groupie, criminal and past druggie) and his new Black Panthers ….racists EVERY ONE OF THEM, came to town in Houston to Joe Horn’s neighborhood and they tried to hold a press conference, but some of the good people in Houston didn’t take too kindly to that.
The Horn supporters, many of whom appeared to come from outside the neighborhood, crowded around Quanell X and his group, revving motorcycles, hoisting signs in support of Horn and chanting “U-S-A! U-S-A!”
“The neighborhood does not want that man here. They don’t want him here. He’s not welcome in this neighborhood. They don’t want him,” Blowout, a pro- Horn protester, said.
“We have a right to bear arms, and we’re not afraid to use it. So criminals in Texas, watch out!” protester Jenni Foster said.
Here is a sample of past quote from Quanell X :
” If Louis Farrakhan is ever harmed, black people would kill every white in sight: “Blood will flow in America like a mighty river.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
New Black Panthers? I didn’t care for the old ones.
I LOVE Texas and God bless Texans! I m proud to be an ex-Texan! I lived there for 5 years and loved it. Like the saying goes….”Don’t mess with Texas!”
I hope that more people begin to do this whenever these race-baiters, along with Jesse and Al and all the local NAACP race-baiters show up to defend another thug and criminals like the two that Horn shot.
In the turbulent 60’s old Philly PD Commish Frank Rizzo and his ‘troops’ would arrest and strip the black pussy panthers butt naked and lay them face down on the Philly alley ways – facedown! Oh those were the non-pc days!!!
Yes sir, ‘Texans always move them.’ That Quanell X, does anyone know what the X stands for,… X-pert, or X-con, he is a ‘groupie’ of Louis Farrakhan, allright, probably on the same space ship as Louie.
But every once in a while the good guys win one.
Darth, those were the good ole days I agree.
There was a huge threat of rioting in Las Vegas during the Los Angeles riots. The mafia had some men line up across the street in the gang area with big guns and they announced to the rioters they would NOT be allowed to riot so they better stop even thinking about it or they would be dead before it evenb started. hahahhahaha AMEN!
Mark, your right, the groupies love adding the ole malcom X thing to their new names. Space ship is a great way to put it Mark.
The biggest problem the Black race has is itsself, and this New Black Panther nonsense is an example. They are almost all ex-cons. Part of the present Black Culture is promotion of the gangsta lifestyle. These activists should be in New Orleans rebuilding homes or levees.
If these two dead burglars were legal immigrants, it shows that the criteria for legal immigration must be low. Probably they were part of a quota from some rathole like Dominican Republic or Haiti.
Hopefully, the grand jury will no-bill Mr Horn.
Just like the old Tombstone Here lies Lester
moore 6 shots from a 44 no less no moore!!
Unfortunately for Mr. Horn, if the DA has his ducks lined up, he’s going to paint Horn as a blood thirsty killer looking for someone to kill. If you listen to the audio, that’s how he comes across. Neither him or his property was in danger so their was no need for him to interject himself into the situation. The main thing Mr. Horn has going for him is that this took place in Texas. If this had been in a Northeastern state, he would be looking at life.
That said, I would love to have Mr. Horn for a neighbor as I know he’s got my back.
Bob, I have heard two conflicting reports on this one is, Joe horn is in trouble, and the other was from a Texas attorney who said, there is a law that includes a neighbors property. I don’t know, have to wait and see.
Some on Fox, O’reilly are saying it vigilanteism, I think it is a case of one American that has had enough of the law coddling the criminal. The cops told him on the 9-11 tape, to virtually mind your own business, he said, they are getting away, cops said, we’ll take care of it but they never arrive in time to take care of anything.
There next argument is, Well, they weren’t armed, one had a crow bar, that is certainly an armament. Besides they were not selling vacuum cleaners or Fuller Brushes. But basically it is the same argument they use for Illegals, they only snuck into, Broke into the country to have a better life. Well these crooks only broke into Joe’s neighbors house to acquire the things they were too lazy to work for. Joe Horn should get a medal for his actions.
I know I would like to have a neighbor like Joe Horn, like you say Bob, he’s got your back.
And as far as Louis Farakhan is concerned he was originally implicated in the killing of Malcolm -x,( with a shotgun no less) but suddenly he has been elevated to sainthood by these Black Moslems.
All I can say now after Quanell’s statement is we all should keep our powder dry.
Tom I agree, when we watch all the political talk shows, I see how rascists stuff is brought up and it is the last thing I am thinking about. And the ones bringing it up are always Al Sharpton and the other regulars that always want to gear the topic to that direction on purpose. They are the ones that work hard to keep it going endlessly.
Tincan Sailor,yes like the old west. People protecting themselves and their neighbors property too.
Bob your right, it sure does depend which State this happened in, that makes difference. Even so it still is not sure thing that Horn will be ok with what he did.
I agree, a neighbor like Horn would make me feel safe.
Mark thank you so much for the information.
People need to know about this story.