An armed Indonesian policeman stands guard in front of a U.N. Climate Change Conference billboard in Nusa Dua, Bali island December 2, 2007. Delegates from about 190 nations gathered in Bali on Sunday to try to build on a “fragile understanding” that the fight against global warming needs to be expanded to all nations with a deal in 2009. REUTERS/Murdani Usman (INDONESIA)
BALI, Indonesia for complete article
World powers meeting at a UN climate change conference in Indonesia this week won’t be able to craft a meaningful plan to address global warming without co-operation from the United States, the top emitter of greenhouse gases, the UN’s climate chief said Sunday.
The United States refused to sign the last major international treaty on reducing greenhouse gases, undermining its effectiveness.
Delegates from 190 countries will gather on the resort island of Bali on Monday for one of the largest global warming conferences ever, bringing together about 10,000 people including Hollywood luminaries, former vice-president Al Gore, fishermen and drought-stricken farmers for two weeks of marathon discussions.
World leaders will attempt to launch negotiations that could lead to a replacement for the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012. Among the most contentious issues will be whether emission cuts should be mandatory or voluntary and how to help the world’s poorest countries adapt to a warmer climate.
Yvo de Boer, general secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, said the role of the United States “would be critical” in the discussions and that delegates must come up with a roadmap that’s embraced by Washington.
“To design a long-term response to climate change that does not include the world’s largest emitter and the world’s largest economy just would not make any sense,” he told reporters
The United States, which along with Australia refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol, said ahead of the Bali talks that it was eager to launch negotiations, but has been among industrialized countries leading a campaign against mandatory emission cuts.
But now the United States finds itself isolated at the conference, given that Australian Prime Minister-elect Kevin Rudd, whose party swept to power in general elections just one week ago, immediately put signing the Kyoto pact at the top of his international agenda.
President Bush, trying to fend off charges that America is not doing enough, said this week that a final Energy Department report showed American emissions of carbon dioxide, a leading greenhouse gas, declined by 1.5 per cent last year while the U.S. economy grew.
“Energy security and climate change are two of the important challenges of our time. The United States takes these challenges seriously,” he said.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
I want Bush to give then the single finger salute. Islamonazis want to cut folks heads off and impose Sharia law everywhere and all some can do is wring their hands about climate change.. What a bunch of ninnies!
China, which will become the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases in 2010, has no requiremnt to reduce emissions until some vague, unspecified period in the future.
They are all flying to Bali, in jet aircraft, which consume fossil fuels, and once there plan to tell us what to do? They should have decided to conduct this meeting through tele-conferencing or TV if they want us to take them seriously even a little. And what are they gonna do if we say no? Sanctions against us. Let me /cry some. Oh noes.
Molon labe, buddy. And by the way, you will NEVER make it meaningful, because it is Bogus Science and it does not MEAN anything.
Hey UNnecessary socialists … wanna a climate change? MOVE your anti-American asses to Norway, Sweden ot Thule Greenland!
Yeah, they need some sucker to pay for their scam of global warming. I read somewhere we are to pay Billions by 2012, It is a large number can’t remember just how many billions it is.
This whole scam is nothing more that a huge redistribution of America’s wealth.
Please don’t let Condoleeza Rice be sent to one of these climate change fiascos. She will give away the America farm, literally. This lame duck administration now seems to be in the appeasement mode(Annapolis “peace” conference, waivering on Kyota, CAFTA, War on AIDs and poverty in Africa, etc.)
Just give the UN 24 hours notice and pull all our resources out.
There ya go jack!
Ahh are ALL the climatologists in the same agreement about Global warming…ahh NO!
drstrangeloveb52isok, LOL good one.
Mark, I agree, it is all about money. And all kinds of new companies will start up now too, to rip off people selling them bs things to make them ‘feel’ like they are helping to stop global warming. sheesh
Tom, YIKES I agree I hope she stays out of this baloney. She messes with things and it only makes matters worse.
Jack, AMEN and I would even go further. Tell everyone to get out of the building then bomb the place to the ground. Like they do the old casinos in Las Vegas. heh heh
Patrick, your right, there are more of them that say it is balony, but no one in the media etc. want to tell the world what they have to say.