03 Dec

Stryker Dad Comes Home To A Big Surprise

At first she couldn’t get the furniture she paid for, but now, thanks to a call to the Problem Solvers, she has a living room full of new furniture and even more.
KOMO 4 News was there as a local military wife got a welcome home surprise for her soldier husband who’s on leave from Iraq. It’s the perfect surprise for his aching back.
Friday was delivery day at Alycia Anderson’s home. A big mattress and box spring arrived. And the best part — it was free. Anderson greeted the delivery with a huge smile.
But just two weeks ago, she wasn’t smiling. New living room furniture she had ordered from Home USA Warehouse to surprise her husband never arrived. When she asked for a refund, the company wrote her a check, but that check bounced.
Anderson called the KOMO 4 Problem Solvers. The company wrote her a new check, which cleared the same day. Home USA Warehouse insisted it was an honest mistake.
But Anderson had had enough. She took her business across the street to Mor Furniture, and her new living room furniture got delivered the next day. But that’s not all she got.
Mor Furniture, who advertises on KOMO 4, wanted to do something nice for Anderson, so the company contacted the Problem Solvers and offered to buy her and her husband a new bed. The company knew Alycia was getting the furniture to surprise her husband Stephen who’s on leave from Stryker duty.

“I definitely thank them for that,” said Stephen. “It’s going to be much better on my back, I’ll tell you that.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
How wonderful it would be if more people would do things like this for our military. Every once and awhile we hear of this kind of thing and it is so great.

Mark says:

Then democrats are so worried about Illegal Aliens not getting health care …Why can’t they take care of our Servicemen and Women FIRST, like a big payraise, so they can take care of their families, …, then worry about the mundane crap like giving away the country.

Jack says:

I’m shocked, but happy for them. The atmosphere outside Ft. Lewis is decidedly anti-war and there are far too many radical protestors. For Mor Furniture to do what they did is a bonanza of goodwill and free advertising. Welcome home Stephen, even though you have to go back soon and Merry Christmas to you, Alycia and Jordan.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, I agree so much.
I would fall off my chair if our country paid our military better, took better care of our troops, and Veterans and…..kept their word to those that serve and have served our Nation.
And so far in my lifetime, I have yet to hear any politican make this one of their things they are passionate about. Never. It disgusts me and angers me to the max.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, I was thinking too of how there were zero anti-war people when Clinton did his Bosnia war. I don’t remember any. What a bunch of phonies the left are, they only hate war when it is a Rep. President.