American Muslim Demographic Facts
Please CLICK HERE to see the chart
You will see all kinds of information, from population, to cars they drive to all sorts of things. It is very interesting and infomative.
found the following statistic to be interesting too:
“Increase in number of mosques since 1994: 25 percent”
That’s a huge increase since ‘94.
And rememebr how America’s first Muslim congressman compared President George W Bush to Adolf Hitler.
This insideous post Cold War ‘islamofascist operation’ has successfully accomplished what the Soviets, Bolsheviks, North Vietnamese, North Koreans, Cubans, Chicoms, and Third Reichstagge couldn’t: The Muslim Invasion of the Infidels/USA! – Operation Ramadan 365! Yeah…in the 50 UN-UNITED STATES of The Great Satan? And Ramadan Rosie laughs daily!
“…The east coast burkas are hip I really dig the styles they wear. The northern sunnis the way they kiss they keep their infidels warm at night…I wished all the burka babes could be MUSLIM GIRLS!” The Sand Doom Boys 2007?
Why, why, why, after 9-11 do we still let muzzies immigrate to America. They don’t assimilate with our culture, they want to destroy the West and their religion is incompatible with American democracy. With a 6% annual growth rate, they are like a cancer. They will use our open system to gain power then change the laws to incorporate the mad ideas of their koran.
Our leaders are guiding us to cultural suicide.
They’re using our “freedom of religion” against us.
They forget though, that Freedom of religion means you can practice your own religion without retribution from others. That means they HAVE to accept that most of us won’t convert to Islam.
But these statistics are appalling and it’s the looney lefties who are letting it happen.
They forget, our God says to love everyone to get to Heaven. Theirs says to kill all infidels and kafirs to get to Heaven. Which God would you rather follow?
Funny how he compared Bush to Hitler but it was Muslims who supported Hitler in WWII. The clown doesn’t even know the history of his own religion.
Remember, when Bill Clinton bombed Kosovo, he bombed the people who risked their lives to save downed American Fliers during WWII. He did this to protect the people who would capture downed American Fliers and either execute them or turn them over to their allies, the Nazi’s.
I believe it was Stalin that said the US would fall like over ripe grapes into their hands without a single shot being fired. They would conquer the US from the inside. Well, thank God he was wrong about the USSR but it may well come to pass with the muslims if we Americans don’t do something pretty darn soon. We have to start getting back to grassroots to get things changed. These blooming governmental idiots that are selling out America were elected by the people of their respective States. If we want a strong America again, WE have to stop electing stupid idiots and start holding all of them accountable for their actions. I can’t help but believe that there aren’t still some good honest true-blooded Americans out there that can lead us back to the greatness our forefathers invisioned for all of us. When are “WE” the People going to start standing up for what we believe and know to be right and tell the ACLU and every other bleeding heart flipping Liberal that we are not going to tolerate this PC crap any more?!?!?! Sigh….sorry to sound off like that….just getting darned fed up with this great country being sold down the river and nothing being done to stop it. Well….that’s not totally true because all of you are trying to get things changed. Please never give up!!!!!!
Thats 8 million too many.
Ellison not knowing the difference between Hitler and Stalin is too funny, and also stupid at the same time. Which reflects the stupidity of the lefts total ignorance of our history.
But as a related aside, since, we hear all the time about how the ‘Stars and Bars’ is such a frightful site to see, and it protested all the time as being a symbol of racism.
It may be good that these folks don’t know or ARE just plain ignorant of history completely. I mean, just think of these names: Lee, Bragg, Barksdale, Jackson, Benning, Polk and on and on.
Everybody here is familar with these names, especially if you have time in the Air Force or the Army. These are not just names from the phone book, these names, in the South, represent what the South is, Honor, Integrity and dedication to country.
The irony of this is uncanny when you think of all they symbolism that is protested about the old confed. Battle flag.
The demographics are scary. However, the following article in the New York Post shows the influence and effects radical Islam is already having in this country.
November 12, 2007 — THE New Jersey Department of Homeland Security’s counter terrorism conference last month turned out to be a textbook case of exactly what’s wrong with many U.S. counterterror and outreach efforts – a farce that had apologists for terrorism and radical Islam writing the “script” for how to protect Americans from the terrorist threat.
John, I don’t think the USSR is completely gone. I think they’ve gone undercover by way of a KGB agent named Putin.
Darth yes the Muslim invasion is alive and well, unfortunately.
Tom, I agree,I honestly don’t think our leaders care. Maybe a handful of them do and are concerned, but the large number of them don’t. Their actions of non concern speak volumes.
Lynn, good one, yes there is such a huge difference. I follow the real God, and they can have their god of moon.
Bob your right, he doesn’t know history to say such a thing.
Thanks for sharing that about Kosovo too.
John I love your rant and it is very much welcome here. If I could rant about things happening to our country my head would explode. hahaha
I agree, oh we have won many things like some of the Judge suggestions that we overturned, and our letters and phone calls stopped the amnesty bill I think it has been 3 times now. But it is still not nearly what the rest of America should do too. They need to join in and realize they are “we the people” and we cannot just hand over our great Nation to be destroyed.
Thanks again John.
Mark, thank you so much, those are great names and the history of them too. And what you said about the Flag is so true.
Les thank you so much for the information and that link too. That is shocking to me, how can people even think this would be the way to do it. To have the enemy really telling us how to protect ourselves.
GOD bless the CSA, Red States, and Confederate Battle Flag! The ‘x’ is the Cross of Saint Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland, fishermen, and the ‘x’ was on Russia’s flag (Czars),African flags, Scotland’s flag, Florida’s state flag, Alabama’s state flag, and on my favorite flag: OLE MISSISSIPPI!…It’s even on Georgia’s flag… or used to be for Georgia is now on their third state flag in 10 years and now has the Stars and Bars look! Love that STARS AND BARS!!
Thank you WT….I really appreciate all that you and others here do to keep America informed and the battles you fight to keep Her from slipping into the abyss of stupidity brought on by the liberal PC groupies. Thank God America has wonderful individuals like you.
Darth, me too, I love the Red, White and Blue.
John thank you, you contribute too in your comments and I learn from that as well. Thank you for being here and your friendship.
Targets of Opportunity…thank you for saving research time.