12 Nov

New Islamic Car To Have Compass To Find Makkah

A worker inspects a Proton Waja at Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Bhd (Proton) assembly plant in Shah Alam near Kuala Lumpur.

New Islamic car to have compass to find Makkah
Gulf News
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Iran, Turkey and Malaysia are planning to build an “Islamic car” that will have a compass to find the direction of Makkah, Malaysia’s state news agency reported.
The proposed car will also have a compartment for the Quran and prayer scarves, the Bernama agency quoted an official of Malaysian automaker Proton as saying.

“The car will have all the Islamic features and should be meant for export purposes,” said Proton’s managing director, Syed Zainal Abidin Syed Mohamed Tahir.

“We will identify a car that we can develop to be produced in Malaysia, Iran or Turkey,” he said during a visit to Tehran.

Syed Zainal said the vehicle was an Iranian initiative. “What they (Iran) want to do is to call that an Islamic car,” he said.

The managing director said that with government support, the Islamic car producers will be able to get a big volume of orders.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Hmmmmmm I wonder does it blow itself up in crowds of innocent civilians? See Achmed, here is where we place the bomb! American liberals will want them, to show solidarity with the oppressed.

drstrangeloveb52isok says:

Wanna find Mecca?
… x Mecca x …—====>>>>>>> KABOOM!

Jack says:

One or two humps? Reminds me of the tale of the two Arabs stranded at the traffic light. When the police asked them what happened they said, we were riding our camel and stopped for the light, the sportscar next to us had two men in it, one of them said to the other, look at those two assholes on that camel, we got off to look and the light changed.

Lyn in Australia says:

The car will have all the Islamic features
Apparently couple more islamic featchures will be added like:
1.The car stps for 5 times a day for prayers.
2. The car does not run on Fridays.
3. The car does not allows a dog inside ( sent sensor engaged)
Will they cater for Jihady types? As an optional extra would it come with the following? Most discerning Jihadies will want to know these you know.
4. Does it come with a suicide bomb kit?
5. A nice set of knives for beheadings?
6. A boxed set of assault rifles for me & the kids?
7. Spare Darth Vader outfits for Fatima and my other wives?
8. A Natsav to get me back to my cave?
9. Video capabilities for making grandiose statements to Al Jeezera?
The possibilities are endless…:)

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

I remember you Lyn… You outdrank our C-5 Galaxy crew at the Battle of Britain 50th Anniversary in Greenham Commons RAF base! Remember when the two Mig 29’s collided in practice that Friday? Small world, eh?

TomR says:

A muzzie car? That cult is silly beyond the point of reason. Screw allah, mecca and islam.
I think if I saw one of those islamic cars I would be tempted to run it over with my Tahoe.

Lyn in Australia says:

I forgot this one… Airbags with the image of Bin Laden. When you crash its the last thing you see.

Robocop says:

I wonder if that built in compass directs them to hell?

Mark says:

That was Awesome Kristopher, all cars should be made that sound.

Wild Thing says:

drstrangeloveb52isok, LOL this is just so weird to have a car for all their Korans etc. sheesh

Wild Thing says:

Jack LMAO good one!!

Wild Thing says:

Lyn in Australia, hahahaha those are great.

Wild Thing says:

Tom hahaha I like how you think.

Wild Thing says:

Lyn in Australia , this is a good one too.LOL
“Airbags with the image of Bin Laden. When you crash its the last thing you see.”

Wild Thing says:

Robocop, wow that would be GREAT.

Wild Thing says:

Kristopher, amazing, thank you so much for the link.