Remember when Harry Reid said………..”Senator Harry Reid (D-NV): “We Killed The PATRIOT Act.”
Here’s what Reid is proud of: Trying to kill a vital law that breaks down the wall between intelligence and law enforcement, and makes it easier to prevent and detect attacks on America. Reid’s boast shows how reckless the Democrats have become when it comes to safeguarding America.
Here is The RNC replies! tah dah!
RNC Releases New Television Ad On Senate Democrat Leader Harry Reid’s Obstruction Of The PATRIOT Act Entitled, “The PATRIOT Act: Connecting The Dots”
WASHINGTON – The Republican National Committee today unveiled a new television advertisement targeting the Harry Reid-led Democrat obstruction of the PATRIOT Act. The advertisement, entitled “The PATRIOT Act: Connecting The Dots,” will begin airing on national cable and local Las Vegas television stations this weekend. The ad will also be emailed to Republican grassroots supporters and is available for viewing now at
Republican National Committee / 60 Advertisement
“The ad will also appear on national cable TV, and in Reid’s home state of Nevada. When Democrats brag about undermining an important part of the War on Terror, we hold them accountable.”
“The PATRIOT Act: Connecting The Dots”……….