22 Oct

U.S. Army Choppers in Action ~ LOVE it!


darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Stupid Question? After 9-11-01 Americans have
watched numerous Al-Jazeera videos of brutal
throats being sliced and heads being cut off
with a knife by crazed islamic butchers, so
why don’t 99.99% of Americans SEE that…
they’re NEXT? Just a stupid question! Yeah – as if the BOOGEY man is going to go away if you
cower under the blankets!

TomR says:

Army Aviation – Yea!! I flew one mission in a Huey gunship in Vietnam. Loved it. Low level, full throttle, weaving and banking excitement. I FAC’d gunships many times and was on the ground several times calling in gunships to supress enemy fire. As impressive as F4s, F100s and A1 Skyraiders were, there is nothing like very close support from a helicopter gunship.
I want an Apache or Huey for Christmas.

I love the Apaches! We kick butt!

Jack says:

Amen Tom, being based next to an assault helo company that was perpetually shorthanded and not too picky about who rode guns, this old truck driver went out on a few night rides, nothing like the smell of gun grease burning from the ’60’s, being showered in hot brass at 120 knots at ground level to rouse the BP, payback is wonderful anytime you can get it.:) We messed at the same mess where rank had no privileges so it was easy to get connected. I would have changed careers if the old man hadn’t found out and put his foot down. There is a special place in my heart for the Huey and all those who flew them, especially Dust Off, love ’em, thanks all. I want a Huey too Santa!!! Thanks for sharing WT.

yankeemom says:

Someday I so want a ride! As long as they don’t expect me to go down that line…there would have to be a rescue and I’d be very embarrassed…
I just love watching our guys do what they do best!!

Jack says:

Yankeemom, keep your eye open for local introduction rides sponsored by your local airport. It’s an inexpensive way to get that first helo ride. I wasn’t allowed to fly in a Cobra, both seats required fully qualified pilots, but I flew in every bird other bird operating there at the time, the Huey and Chinook being my choices. I flew to work for 19 years, that took most of the joy of flight away for me.
My mother in law had never flown, we met her in Hawaii about 20 years ago and the next day I had a flight scheduled for around the Island of Kauai, she never had a clue until we were about to board the Twin Bell Jet Ranger, I arrainged for her to ride in the right front next to the pilot, she loved every second of the flight and we flew into the crater of the volcano as part of the flight. Don’t let it pass you up.:)

Wild Thing says:

Darth,yes, like the movie said..” you can’t handle the truth”. replace you with them and they can’t handle it. They don’t want to face the truth for some reason, because it sure has been put out there in one form or another.

Wild Thing says:

Tom thank you so much for sharing about that. Awesome.
I put in a memo to Santa I sure hope he gets it, one Apache or Huey for my friend Tom.

Wild Thing says:

Patrickdaniel, me too, they are fantastic.

Wild Thing says:

Jack giggle….sending in a memo for you too.
Thanks for sharing Jack.

Wild Thing says:

Yankeemom,I hope you get to someday.
Whenever we were in Hawaii, while Nick was working on the show Magnum P.I., I would go for a ride in the choppers on the island. I did it every day we were there and it felt so good, I love riding in those. The pilots were all Nam Vets and that made it even more special.
Each trip to Vietnam I rode in a Huey and the dustoff pilots becamse friends and we still keep in touch. They Huey for me has a lot of very special memories.

Wild Thing says:

Jack that is so neat I am glad she had a chance to ride in one.