08 Oct

400 Pounds May Have Saved Shooting Victim

Being 400 Pounds May Have Saved Shooting Victim

A 400-lb. man shot several times in the parking lot of Tommy’s Original Hamburger downtown, might have survived his wounds because he is overweight, according to a Los Angeles police sargeant.
The shooting outside Tommy’s Original Hamburger at 2575 W. Beverly Blvd. occurred about 1:10 a.m., said Sgt. Melvin Gamble of the Rampart Station.
The victim, a man whose name was withheld, was struck “several times” in the stomach and once in the leg, Gamble said.
He was taken to a hospital where he was reported to have stable vital signs.
The man got into a dispute with several other men and, during the altercation, one of the men pulled out a pistol and opened fire, Gamble said.
The suspects then fled in a gray 4-door sedan, he said.
The hamburger stand, which opened in 1946 and spawned a chain of restaurants, as well as dozens of imitators, has long been a late-night favorite

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Kevlar Burger’s to be added to the menu maybe?

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

… you forgot to mention that the EMT’s got herniated disks and hernias out of this deal?
The ambulance blew it’s rear tires out enroute to the ER as well.

BobF says:

I know this is cold but it’s kind of funny the victim was at a hamburger joint.

Wild Thing says:

Darth, yikes. hahaa

Wild Thing says:

Bob it is, I have been to it a few times when I lived in Calif. and there is one that is more famous called ‘Pinks’.