07 Oct

Muslim Rave Party Sensation

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is hilarious, I laugh every time I see it.

SSgt Steve USMC says:

WT, forgive me. Is that head cleric bounching on a dildo or a roll of quarters?

Wild Thing says:


TomR says:

He just saw his first porno pictures.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, omg hilarious.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

As Aerosmith would sing in 2007, “Too bad he’s not sitting on a big 10-inch IED!”

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

An Infidel PS: As for the scoping out the porno flick… it wasn’t a porno flick… it was Lawrence of Arabia and he was digging the camels! – Over the hump 2007?

Islamic Service

Who said Islamofascists don’t know how to have fun??

Greta says:

I have the urge to break out the tequila and dance!