Prison fries for serving bacontoronto sun
A Muslim inmate has won $2,000 and a partial human rights victory over a Correctional Service of Canada policy not to replace bacon with a halal diet for Islam-worshipping cons.
Duane David, who is serving time in Kingston’s Joyceville Institution for an unknown crime, had complained to the Canadian Human Rights Commission that his rights were being violated as the prison failed to offer a halal replacement for bacon served to inmates with breakfast every Wednesday.
The court heard Muslims are forbidden from eating pork for religious reasons.
A Federal Court of Canada hearing was told the breakfast included three pieces of bacon, two eggs, three slices of toast, jam, ketchup, milk, coffee, juice and cereal.
“Muslim inmates who follow a halal diet (usually) receive all of these items, except the bacon,” Madame Justice Eleanor Dawson was told. “Mr. David had requested a substitute for the three pieces of bacon, but the request was refused by the institution.”
Court heard that an internal grievance filed by David for a bacon replacement was denied at all levels and then a complaint was filed to the commission, whose investigator ruled the matter had been properly dealt with.
David appealed the investigator’s decision to the federal court, who this month ordered the attorney general to pay David $2,000 for damages and that the commissions’ decision be set aside as a new hearing is launched into the matter.
During the grievance hearing, Joyceville’s chief of food services said his department didn’t have the budget to offer a bacon replacement and another official called for the banning of the food from all Ontario jails.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
This guy is an inmate, thus he did something to break the law and be punished for his crime. But jails are to cater to their needs no matter what?? So does that mean if a prisoner has needs like a TV, a computer, maybe a high fiber diet, a low fat diet, the list could go on and on of NEEDS imposed on prisons for prisoners. So what if it is a so called religious rule not to eat bacon.
We have all read how other prisons have catered to Muslim inmates in the USA and the UK. Why oh why do people cave in to these horrible vile people and their death cult!!!!
… our state muslime inmates also got bacon and ham out removed from the prison kitchens – punishing the infidel inmates! They want the crosses removed from the institution buildings now as well. Happy Ramadanadingdong Ya’ll!
When will this crap stop?
They should have replaced the bacon with pork sausage.
I must be missing something here………just because they SERVED him bacon, who forced him to eat it????
Tom…it won’t stop until “We, the People” demand it stop.
Ok.I feel better now. lol
Oooohhhh…poor baby. There are Jews in this country, in jail, who are served the same meal everyone else gets. I know it’s a wild concept but they (the Jews) simply do not eat the pork.
I would expect that this moos-lemming will get his “pork serving” as soon as lights out occurs and the guards don’t hear so well…if you catch my drift.
It will stop after the next attack then the People will wake up.
Darth, good grief.
Well they can take their Ramadanadingdong and put it where the sun does not shine. GRRRRRR
Tom, I agree, it seems to just keep on and on.
Bob, giggle that would have been great.
John, that’s true, it would stop if there was an outrage and they would learn not to give in like this. But that is just not going to happen.
SSgt Steve, USMC, I was thinking about that when I posted this. We never hear one word of complaint from the Jews that are prisoners about the bacon.
Just more proof of the horrible agenda of the muslims. grrrrr
Mark, yes your right, how sad is that, because I really believe that.
… like we said in the first Gulf War – Smoked camel tastes like the other white meat – pork! Speaking of pork… Happy Octoberfest und bier ist here and when liberals respond to this blog…I go into my Chicken Dance gyrations…
ja ja ja Ja Ja Ja JAAAAAAAHHHHH ! Prost !!