Bernard Kouchner [left] was rebuked by Sergei Lavrov [right] over his hawkish Iran remarks
Russia and China warn against war with Iran
Russia and China have criticised France’s foreign minister Bernard Kouchner for talking of “war” with Teheran.
After meeting his French counterpart in Moscow, Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, gave warning of the possible consequences of any military strike designed to disable Iran’s nuclear programme.
“We are convinced that no modern problem has a military solution, and that applies to the Iranian nuclear programme as well,” said Mr Lavrov.
“We are seriously concerned about increasingly frequent reports that military action against Iran is being seriously considered.”
Mr Lavrov added that Russia supported the recent agreement reached between Iran and nuclear inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Earlier, China’s foreign ministry also criticised Mr Kouchner for raising the possibility of war.
“We believe the best option is to peacefully resolve the Iranian nuclear issue through diplomatic negotiations, which is in the common interests of the international community,” said Jiang Yu, an official spokesman.
“We do not approve of easily resorting to threatening use of force in international affairs.”
America is now pressing for another UN Resolution which would tighten economic sanctions on Iran.
The trigger for this move was Teheran’s continued enrichment of uranium, a process which could give Iran the essential material for a nuclear bomb.
While Russia and China have already supported two earlier sanctions resolutions, both are signaling that their support for a third cannot be taken for granted.
Yesterday, Mr Kouchner called for tougher ‘precise’ sanctions against the Islamic Republic’s nuclear programme.
However, the French foreign minister also said that “everything should be done to avoid war.”
“War is the worst that could happen,” he said. “Everything should be done to avoid war. We have to negotiate, negotiate, negotiate – without cease, without rebuff.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Interpretation: Russia and China will stomp their feet and throw a tantrum to try and protect their proxy in the Midle East.
“We are convinced that no modern problem has a military solution” said Mr Lavrov.
The Chechens thank you.
In Revelations it specifically reads that the Russians and Chinese will advance in Armageddon… and be slaughtered by the Son of God! Blood will be a horse’s bridle deep. And Bush – a Christian – is supposed to KNOW this? Putin is Godless and has no soul – period.
More and more Russians and Chinese are turning to Islam than fight for their freedoms.
They’d rather just roll over and play dead.
Iran HAS to be stopped–no question.
Yes, the Eagle and the Bear will fight, according to the Bible and the Eagle will win. They forget that part. They’re on the losing side. Israel and her allies are God’s chosen people and he will protect us.
I’d rather not roll over and play dead. I’m not impressed by threats. They just make me mad.
The Russians militarily invaded Poland, Czechoslovakia, Afghanistan and Chechnya in the last 65 years. They do have a history of military intervention, and are now trying to rebuild their military from a third rate power to a third rate plus power. The Russians are laughable.
The Chinese are just anti-American. Their internal turmoil is coming. Then we may actually start returning some of those manufacturing jobs to America.
Darth, that is true, I remember learning that in Bible school. Thanks for putting that here.
Lynn, me too, I will not give in to the threats. Like you said it is in the Bible what is to happen. I know what side I will stay on and it sure isn’t that of the enenmy of God.
Tom, I would love to bring those jobs back to America. I would love to give the middle finger to China especially after all the Clinton’s did for China and the fact they kill Christians there even today in 2007.