I am new at being a blogger. I had my little website for one year and then just could not stand not being able to post my rants and rages and cheers as I felt them. So my wonderful blog Mom, Linda at Something….and Half of Something helped me do my blog. She has been the best teacher in the world.
The year that I had my website and no blog I would cruise the net looking at blogs, reading, learning and seeing such awesome people with hearts of passion for what is right or what should be right and not wrong with this ole world and especially America. Whew that was one hell of a long sentence. haha
There were (and still are) many places I would go to every day, there is was one known as Curmudgeonly & Skeptical. I would have that laugh I needed after being ticked off at a Dem. It is owned by Rodger and he makes his points with the visual and cuts right to the chase. Rodger is making a difference in this world and I am honored to know him.
Long story so I will make it short. Rodger had problems with his blog getting it to let him post etc. I am so new at this I do not know all the ins and outs of the different blogs and how they are set up. But it had to be hell, pulling hair out time for him to go through. Wanting to post and not be allowed to.
His new address for his Blog
I just want to thank you Rodger for sticking in there and not giving up. I am sorry you had to go through any kind of stressful thing, you did not deserve it.
Thank you
As Kim Du Toit has said, Rodger is a national resource, sorry I didn’t know you didn’t have his new addy until now. Thanks for posting it so others can see this American’s talent.
Wow! I am overwhelmed WT. Thank you for your frienship.
HI Jack, you are right, Kim Du Toit said it best. Thank you so much.
Love ya Rodger and I thank you for our friendship.
Roger has to keep his blog going or join the federal witness protection protection program. Because his readers will track him down and chain him to his computer if he quits.
Jake, heh heh yep
hahha too funny
Rodger is the bestest!