13 Jul

For My Friend Vinnie

My dear friend Vinnie’s father passed away.

I know many of you know Vinnie too.

My prayers are with you Vinnie and your family.

TomR says:

I sent him a condolence.

Rhod says:

I didn’t know. We lost Nickie, then…this is awful…I can’t recall her name, now Vince?

Rhod says:

Oh. Vince’s Dad.

Lynn says:

I’m sorry for the loss of a very good friend.
I do hope Vince is okay and that he knows his dad is with God and that with time, comes healing and hope.
I remember what it was like when my father passed away. It’s a very tough time.
I send Vince a hug from the bottom of my heart.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, thank you that will mean a lot to Vinnie.

Wild Thing says:

Rhod, thank you, yes it is Vinnie’s Dad that passed away.
I miss Nickie so much,and alwasy will.

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, I understand so much. When my father passed away it took me a long time to be ok about it. And be able to watch family movies of get togethers things like that were very hard to watch.
I am so sorry about your Dad Lynn.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Chrissie, Nick & Bear nation: “For the Lord your God is with you where ever you go.” – Joshua 1:9
Heaven sure beats what’s going on during this twisted new millennium on planet earth. Vinnie is in His hands… in Good hands…

Wild Thing says:

Darth thank you. I will be showing the replies to Vinnie. I think today is the funeral for his Dad. Thank you again.

Vinnie says:

I’ve seen them, Chrissie.
Thank you all, and God bless you dear friends.