JERUSALEM – U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice twice referred to Hamas as a “resistance movement” during a meeting with reporters from the New York Daily News earlier this month, but the newspaper did not report her remarks.
Rice’s interview is transcribed in full on the State Department website.
Rice’s statements mark the second documented time in recent months she called Hamas a “resistance movement” during unscripted chats with journalists.
Hamas is responsible for scores of suicide bombings, shooting attacks and rocket firings. It’s classified by the State Department as a terror organization. The group’s official charter calls for the murder of Jews and quotes widely from the anti-Semitic creed, the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”
During the interview June 8 with the editorial board of the Daily News, Rice was asked about the recent history of democratic elections in the Middle East resulting in the rise to power of terror groups, such as Hamas.
Rice told the paper it was “very interesting to see Hamas trying to come to terms with no longer being really a resistance movement, but having to deal with politics.”
Rice then referred to Hamas as a resistance movement a second time during then interview.
“A moderate Palestinian friend of mine said, ‘You know, they (Hamas) used to be the great resistance, running the streets with their faces covered and going after Israel. And now, they look like a bunch of politicians who also can’t make the sewer system work.'”
She went on to reference Hamas’ terror cells, calling them the group’s “military wing,” which regularly carries out terror attacks, including shootings and firing of rockets into Jewish population centers.
“And they’re (Hamas) clearly uncomfortable in that framework, which is part of why I think you see the military wing of Hamas trying to make this again about Israel and the Palestinians, not about the contestation of politics inside the Palestinian territories,” Rice said.
A State Department spokesman could not explain why Rice called Hamas a “resistance movement.” The spokesman confirmed the State Department had not changed its policy of classifying Hamas as a terror organization.
Rice, speaking to reporters in Berlin Jan. 18 about the situation of Palestinians prior to 2000, commented, “You had Hamas, of course, sitting out as a resistance movement, not at all, by the way, involved in the politics at all.”
Rice’s remarks at the time prompted some U.S. Jewish groups to demand an apology to victims of Hamas terror.
Wild Thing’s comment……….
Rice sorry you are NUTS! Step aside and let someone that reads up on what the Hamas has done in this world, their agenda and what they darn sure will do in the future if allowed to do.
This administration has simply fallen apart, there is a total lack of leadership and rational thnking. No wonder Washington is out of control!!!
What a freakin’ mess. Thomas Jefferson is doing backflips in his grave. Jimmah legitimized the Ayatollah and helped to destroy the Shah. This woman is the first SOS to call Israel occupiers and legitimize terrorists who the Ayatollahs directly finance.
Hamas is a terror cell of idiots.
I don’t know why we are in bed with them.
They want to take away the very being that is Israel.
Israel was given to the Jews by the UN (I believe) after WW II to have as their homeland.
Now it sounds like we want to take it back, give it to others who only want to kill them.
Sounds so much like we did to the American Indians when we forced them onto reservations.
We all know that doesn’t work.
It’s disgusting.
I cry with Israel’s Jews. I am jewish on my mother’s side through her great grandmother. But they became Lutheran during WWII for fear of retaliation against them for not only being German, but Jewish as well.
Hamas has their homeland. Why do they think they need more?
You mean this isn’t a movie still photograph from Mel Gibson’s THE PATRIOT? My mistake President Carter and Secretary of State Rice!
Hamas would sure secure our southern borders, eh?!!!
This wasnt the first time! She has done it before!
I like Condi but lately I don’t know about her.
Yes, this administration is collapsing. I worry about what they may do in the next 18 months. The next president will step into a real mess.
9/11 offered Bush a chance to take the helm and be one of the greatest leaders in American history. His first few steps were encouraging then he seemed to fall apart in confusion. He has almost acted like a wounded animal that turns on it’s mates.
I like Condi too, as a person. Condi represents the U.N. not the U.S. we should never lose sight of that fact. Like all those hyphenated Americans she should have the obligiatory prefix before her name, U.N.-American. Representing our interests??? “resistance movement.” BS!!! She is siding with the terrorists regardless of their identity whether they be Hamas or Fatah this was done last year when she went to Lebanon to represent Hezbollah against Israel who were hiding under the U.N. flag. Other than his cronies, Jorge has a prediliction for CFR and Trialateral Commission members in his cabinet, Jorge is a CFR puppet. It would be refreshing to have someone like John Bolton represent the United States interests for a change.
Lynn, thank you for sharing about that.
I only know they want more because they want to have the whole world what they are. I wonder if once they got their sick wish they would then start to kill each other since they love to kill so much.
Thanks again Lynn.
Darth, yikes they sure would. I guess they do come in that way too. Thanks Darth always so good!!
Yo, thank you for the link and information.
Bob I think she is in over her head or something. The enemy can only be dealt with one way and to be too diplomatic with them will always back fire.
Tom your right, the next President will inherit a total mess.
I agree too what you said about Bush. what an opportunity he had to take a real stand, show strength and all you said and he blew it. He has fallen apart.
Jack thank you so much about the stuff about the UN and Condi.
I liked Condi too and feel really badly when she messes up like she does sometimes. More then anything because it will show weakness on our part as a Nation.