Fred Thompson Goes Nutmeg
by Ryan Sager
May 25, 2007
STAMFORD, Conn. — In his second major outing as a presidential candidate in waiting, Fred Thompson spoke last night to the Connecticut Republican Party for its annual Prescott Bush awards dinner. It was a somewhat unlikely venue for the conservative former Tennessee senator — speaking to the Nutmeggers who send moderate Rep. Christopher Shays to Washington, D.C., year after year ….
After eight years in Washington, I longed for the sincerity of Hollywood,” Mr. Thompson said, referring to his departure from the Senate, in what’s becoming a standard line. “That’s no joke my friends.”
And then, on the topic of the day, immigration, he let loose. “We are now living in a nation that is beset by people who are suicidal maniacs,” Mr. Thompson said, laying into the recent proposed compromise, engineered by Senator McCain, that would provide legal status to millions of currently illegal immigrants while ostensibly strengthening border enforcement. “We’re sitting here now with essentially open borders.”
“They don’t get it that putting it on a piece of paper anymore, even passing it into law, does not convince the American people that they will do what they say they’re going to do,” Mr. Thompson thundered.
And if Mr. Thompson had harsh words for his Republican friends on the immigration deal, he had much harsher words for the Democrats on the war in Iraq.
“We look at our friends on the Democratic side who have clearly decided not what is best for their country, but what is best for the Democratic Party, and how they might get additional votes in future elections,” he said.
“Our choice is where we will fight,” Mr. Thompson said, echoing President Bush’s familiar line about fighting the terrorists there, so as not to have to fight them here. All the Democrats want to debate, he said, is “the date of our surrender.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
“We are now living in a nation that is beset by people who are suicidal maniacs,” Mr. Thompson said, laying into the recent proposed compromise, engineered by Senator McCain, that would provide legal status to millions of currently illegal immigrants while ostensibly strengthening border enforcement. “We’re sitting here now with essentially open borders.”
Good. That ought to tick off those who would trash the Constitution and surrender to an illegal invasion.
Fred is right but his political cronys in power have committed treason for failing in their duties to protect and defend the nation against all enemies foreign and domestic – So help me God?
This is my kind of man–strong, stubborn, southern common sense, smart, oh boy….
I love this man.
And he’s good looking too.
The more I hear from this man the more I think he’s my man for the job…
I like what he says. It is especially funny his comment about Hollywood being more sincere than the Congress. If Thompson is sincere, I can certainly go for him. But we have heard good words before and been disappointed by politicians.
Right now Duncan Hunter is still my first choice. Fred Thompson could be first choice if he picks up the pace more. He has a charisma Hunter lacks. Most of the other GOP candidates turm me off. I just hope we don’t get anymore Bushs.
Fred tells it like it is, denial of the facts doesn’t protect anyone from the Muzzies and anarchists. Fred’s statement, “We look at our friends on the Democratic side who have clearly decided not what is best for their country, but what is best for the Democratic Party, and how they might get additional votes in future elections,” clearly states the truth about the Donks.
I don’t expect Thompson or Hunter to decide to aggressively campaign until the September time frame, this allows the GOP’s three ring circus to perform. I figure the best way to avoid another Bush administration is to vote my conscience, ignore the rat RINO’s the media and the RNC are pushing. We may lose again but we with principles will have a clear conscience. If Fred Thompson doesn’t run I’ll support Tancredo and Hunter.
Jack – I could go a Thompson-Hunter ticket in a heartbeat. If they won and then appointed John Bolton SecofState I would get my Ronald Reagan optimism back.
Dang, Jack you said it… and Tom, yeah, a Thompson/Hunter ticket would get heart pounding for dayam sure. Keep your fingers crossed. All things are possible.
Darth they sure have, I want the bad guys kicked the heck out.
Lynn everthing you said is absolutely true about him.
Sierrahome, me too, and the video he did about Michael Moore was so brilliant.
Tom, I agree I laughed hard at his comment about Hollywood. Love the tongue in cheek humor like that a lot.
Jack and Tom…big Amen and Ditto to what you said. That would be great!
A man with an excellent sense of humor; able to grasp issues by realizing the cause and not a symptom; who is on OUR side and not his own.
How could we reasonably consider anyone else?
Who would like to learn more about him?