Have a very special Birthday
and many, many more!
Wishing you all the best!
A year of fun and happiness
is my birthday wish for you
You are someone special
and your birthday should be too!
Happy Birthday!
Wild Thing
and everyone here at
Theodore’s World
Rodger has a very fun blog. More pleasurable than skeptical. Happy Birthday Rodger.
Than you Chrissie. My nurse completely forgot about it this morning when she deivered my Thorazine. Did you know that Clara Bow is in the room next to mine?
Happy Birthday Rodger, now don’t you be pestering Miss Clara to blow out your candles, Thorazine eh, and fer chrissakes no flying the B52 either it’s yer birthday.
Rodger, hope you had a wonderful Birthday. You are such a great person and can always make me laugh at the icky lefties and other fun things too with your amazing humor.