That’s funny. Years ago, before they stopped accepting C.O.D. orders on television ads. We would order everything we saw on a given evening under the name Bill Meelader and have the items sent to an irritating neighbor.
Can’t blame the gate agent, she likely moved up from screener, they are trained to look for the elderly and those with physical infirmities. We need more exposures of hip replacements, incontinence pads and dentures and too leave those guys with the rags wrapped around their heads alone, they might get offended.
That’s funny. Years ago, before they stopped accepting C.O.D. orders on television ads. We would order everything we saw on a given evening under the name Bill Meelader and have the items sent to an irritating neighbor.
Can’t blame the gate agent, she likely moved up from screener, they are trained to look for the elderly and those with physical infirmities. We need more exposures of hip replacements, incontinence pads and dentures and too leave those guys with the rags wrapped around their heads alone, they might get offended.
Billy, hahahaahahaha oh my gosh.
Jack, your right, hahahahaaha