Good News for Apparel Retailers: Women Would Give Up Sex for Clothes
Fox News
For most women, the choice between sex and a new wardrobe is simple — they go for the clothes.
Women on average say they would be willing to give up sex for 15 months for a closet full of new apparel, with 2 percent ready to abstain from sex for three years in exchange for new duds, according to a new survey of about 1,000 women in 10 U.S. cities.
Sixty-one percent of women polled said it would be worse to lose their favorite article of clothing than give up sex for a month. Nearly half of the women, or 48 percent, taking part in the survey by consumer products giant Unilever said their favorite article of clothing was more reliable than their man in giving them confidence and making them feel sexy.
The survey, which was not scientific and was conducted online, also suggested that clothes often wear better than relationships.
Wild Thing’s comment……
Excuse me but….. are these women NUTS? If they are married I sure feel sorry for their husbands. Sheesh! Who wants to guess along with me that these idiot women probably voted for Clinton, Kerry, and think we should “Pull Out Now” when it comes to our troops in the war against Islam. You know the N.O.W. group of hairy lipped, men haters and Code Pink broads.
* And Rightly So….Raven my dear friend is also posting about this.
I’d rather have both!
I guess I’m greedy.
Nice clothes, a nice handsome guy to protect me and take care of me…(he better be big and strong, too!)
Yeah…who wouldn’t?
These women are libs. The poll revealed that a prized article of clothing “is more reliable than their man in giving them confidence and making them feel sexy”.
Well, they’re married to those evolutionary question marks, femminized liberal men, and they want new clothing to make them attractive to conservative men.
LOL I posted on this too. It baffles me to no end too. Clothes over sex??? NO WAY!!!
I’m not a clothes hound though either..I own very little and could care less about it. I DO prefer the human contact with men, in my old beat up rags…and as we know, men don’t CARE about what we’re wearing…heh…why should they??
They go for the clothes
Hmm. I don’t agree with this AT ALL. No.
NEW YORK — For most women, the choice between sex and a new wardrobe is simple — they go for the clothes.
Women on average say they would be willing to give up sex for 15 months for a closet full of …
Lynn, giggle, I always love your comments my friend!!
Rhod, yes it is like they get what they sow, er sew….. no just kidding. I have been hanging out with Nick and he is prince of pun. hahaha
Raven, I laughed so hard at this.
I live so much in t-shirts and shorts and no shoes, country bumpkin me. hahaha
I do love clothes and shoes and boots but I do have my priorities. hahahahaa
Your right Raven, one time I asked Nick about the Victoria Secret stuff I love to get and he said he didn’t care either way as long as naked was the end result. LOL
WT, that’s what my wife says, it is the end result, naked.
She started a new job in Pennsylvania about 4 hours away, and has been gone for almost a week now and said she was coming home this weekend. I think maybe I will meet her half way.
Damn women can’t live with’em, can’t live without them.
Thanks WT, over 40 years here, clothes don’t make the woman, sharing, trust, personality and charm does. To be reminded just tune in “The View”, it works for me, I can’t imagine even a cat cuddling up with Rosie.
Mark, wow 4 hours away that is hard. Congratulations for her new job, but it still is hard to be so far away like that. I am so glad you have this weekend together that is great!!
Jack, that is wonderful, 40 years. We will be married 25 this coming Valentines day.
And the View oh yes how scary is that to think about, Rosie is a huge YIKES.
I think my wife was part of that survey….I bet you think I’m kidding.
Mark, that’s a tough schedule, it was just the opposite for me, I commuted 3-1/2 hrs one way, 650 miles, by air, for twenty years, one or two weeks out at a time. Both of us became independent yet we shared the resposibilities, recognise that and all will work out, God Bless.
WT, that’s very romantic, Valentines Day, I tried for April fools day but she wasn’t having any part of that.
Bob, hahaha your so cute. 🙂
No I know a lot of woman love clothes, but she loves you more.
Jack, LMAO how funny that would be. I like that actually and everyone could play little tricks on the two of you. heh heh
It was actually Nick’s idea to get engaged on Valentines and married the following year on Valentines day. I kidded him that OK, yes then the whole world can celebrate with us. It is easy to remember too. giggle.
Thank you.