Pupils aged five ‘poisoned’ at Islamic school that ‘teaches hate’
Daily Mail. co.UK
An Islamic school is poisoning the minds of pupils with lessons in hate, a former teacher claims.
Colin Cook, 57, says textbooks used by children as young as five at the King Fahad Academy in Acton describe Jews as “repugnant” and “apes” and Christians as “pigs”.
Pupils have allegedly been heard saying they want to “kill Americans”, praising 9/11 and idolising Osama bin Laden as their “hero”.
There are fears that it could become a breeding ground for terrorists with Mr Cook warning: “The school could produce a dangerous harvest.” Its sister school of the same name in Bonn has been singled out by the German intelligence services as a meeting place for activists linked to terrorism.
Mr Cook, a Muslim convert, taught English at the school for 19 years until he was sacked in December last year. He claims he was fired after blowing the whistle on the school for covering up cheating by children in GCSE exams and is bringing a tribunal claim for unfair dismissal, race discrimination and victimisation.
He also alleges that when he complained to school management about the content of the curriculum and questioned whether it complied with British laws, he was told: “This is not England. It is Saudi Arabia”.
Mr Cook’s lessons formed part of a British curriculum while a second Saudi curriculum was taught in Arabic. Mr Cooks claims that textbooks used on the Saudi curriculum, which are published by the Saudi government’s ministry of education, prove that the academy “is institutionally racist”.
He said: “The textbooks apparently state that the Jews are cursed. Pupils are asked to ‘ mention some repugnant characteristics of Jews’.”
Wild Thing’s comment……
I sure hope someone, our Homeland Security, the FBI someone is checking out the many Saudi schools we have here in our country. My guess is they are teaching the same things here. And why the heck are they here anyway. We have schools, so now we have to have Saudi schools? WTF is that about! I have long been against this thing of Saudi schools on our soil.
What’s next, Mexican and Chinese schools in America. Not only are moslems still allowed to immigrate here, they are allowed in in increasing numbers. These are almost exclusively people who do not want to assimilate. They do not care for American values, but they want to use our freedoms and protections against us, to destroy us. This will be a big problem soon in our homeland.
Our leadership is failing us, and the preservation of our culture. Maybe average Americans and the Second Amendment will stave off the onslaught. Maybe we will just basically cave in and anarchy will reign as the various non-Americans battle for supremacy.
The first bomb in the War on Terror should have been dropped on one of the palaces in Riyadh. That way the head of the snake would know that we are really ready to fight the Cultural War.
Whether it be Islam, Communism or “Liberal Indoctrination”, we’ve lost our education system to them. Parents rights consist of paying the tab and not interferring. Tom, it’s scary but you and I know you are right. Out of 535 members in both houses how many are willing to stop the onslaught? They’re like a pack of dogs in heat, too busy fighting over the spoils to see the danger of the rising flood waters.
Tom that would have been great, yes go after the head of the snake.
Jack, you and Tom are right.