23 Jun

RINO Mitch McConnell Aims To Ram Obamatrade Through Senate With No Amendments, Closed Debate

Mitch McConnell Aims To Ram Obamatrade Through Senate With No Amendments, Closed Debate
The U.S. Senate—often called the world’s most deliberative legislative body—will operate in a closed debate process with no amendments whatsoever allowed to the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) part of Obamatrade this week, as Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) engages in the exact same tactics he attacked his predecessor Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) for engaging.
On Tuesday, any Republican senators who vote with McConnell in favor of cloture on TPA—which would provide the president fast-track authority to speed through Congress with little to no oversight at least three highly secretive trade deals—will be surrendering their right to criticize Reid’s handling of the Senate last Congress. That’s because McConnell literally will use Reid’s choice of tactics to block any amendments to the version of TPA that passed the House: the Senate leader will fill the amendment tree so as to keep any other U.S. senators from offering any amendments.
“Senator McConnell’s willingness to employ the same tactics he and other Republicans decried as amounting to a ‘dictatorship’ reveals the emptiness of his rhetoric and vision for the Senate,” Reid spokesman Adam Jentleson told Breitbart News when McConnell filled the amendment tree.
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Wild Thing’s comment.………..
I am so tired of Republicans pretending and promising to listen to we the people and then when they get elected or reelected they go and do whatever the F they want to do.

BobF says:

It’s getting to where it doesn’t matter who wins: Democrat or Republican. They’re no different from each other except the Democrats are up front about their intentions while the Republicans back door theirs.