Dr. Ben Carson Supports Baltimore Prosecutor in Bringing Charges vs. Police because “Tensions were Mounting”
Freedoms Lighthouse
Here’s Dr. Ben Carson on “Fox & Friends” this morning saying he supports the decision by the Baltimore Prosecutor to bring charges against six Baltimore Police Officers.
His stated reason was that “tensions were mounting” in the city – the very reasoning Law Professor Alan Dershowitz said should NOT have been used to bring charges. Dershowitz said the charges are “crowd control,” which is a “sad day for Justice.” I agree with Dershowitz. Carson is supporting a Prosecutor who has horribly overcharged the officers as well, something Carson never commented on.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Carson is absolutely wrong to take this kind of stand on this. Caving in to thugs is never a good decision it gives them power to do even more.
Dr Carson has shown a few tendencies that worry me. He has made a few statements on gun control and race relations that just don’t define conservative for me. No doubt he is articulate, intelligent and eloquent. But, there is just a nagging in my head that thinks he might be a disappointment from a true conservative viewpoint.
I agree with what TomR said. Dr. Carson may be a good man but because he’s against Obamacare and said so in Obama’s presence, doesn’t qualify a man to be president.