Veterans Day faces expulsion by schools
TRENTON, N.J. (Washington Times)
For World War II veteran Sam Stia, a legislative proposal that would cease requiring New Jersey schools to teach about Veterans Day and Memorial Day can be summed up in two words.
“That’s wrong,” Mr. Stia, 83, said from his Hamilton home, where he flies an American flag at half-staff to honor fallen soldiers. “We’re just giving our flag away and our patriotism away.”
Mr. Stia and other veterans are steamed about the proposal, which state lawmakers unanimously passed last month. It now awaits action by the governor. It was included as part of a larger measure designed to help control property taxes, mostly by abolishing some laws on school purchasing and public hearings.
Other holidays about which schools no longer would be required to teach include Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, Arbor Day and Commodore Barry Day, which commemorates Revolutionary War hero John Barry.
New Jersey schools must observe the holidays under a 1967 law designed to promote “the development of a higher spirit of patriotism.” Florida, Nebraska and Washington are among states with similar laws.
New Jersey American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars groups have asked Gov. Jon Corzine to veto the bill so schools still have to teach about Memorial Day and Veterans Day.
“It’s not right. They’re not going to know the sacrifices that were made so they can enjoy the protections that they have,” said Hank Adams, New Jersey VFW adjutant and an Army and Coast Guard veteran. The governor hasn’t decided how to proceed. “We’re reviewing that bill,” Corzine spokesman Anthony Coley said.
“The law wouldn’t ban schools from holding holiday commemorations, but requiring schools to honor the days guarantees children would learn about veterans,” said Ray Zawacki, department adjutant for the American Legion of New Jersey.
“If it wasn’t for veterans, we wouldn’t have been able to maintain the freedoms the Constitution provided to us,” said Mr. Zawacki, a Vietnam War Navy veteran.
Wild Thing’s comment……
This is WAR!!!! NEVER in my life did I think something like this kind of thing would ever be in question. I am so angry I can feel my blood boiling!
Yesterday Nick was in a store and he asked one of the kids that had the day off from school, did they know what Veterans Day was. The teenager said no, but today is Martin Luther King Day. WTF!!!!!!!
Teachers are teaching, not all but way too many are not teaching. Oh kids know how to protest our troops and get the day off from school to do that as I have posted about that before. BUT GOd forbid they are taught why they live in the land of the free. DAMN!
And so many parents aren’t teaching their kids either about Veterans Day and Memorial Day. It makes me sick!!
How to contact Governor Corzine:
Office of the Governor,
P.O. Box 001,
Trenton, New Jersey
or by calling (609) 777-2500.
* Blue Star Chronicles
* Argghhh!
Stop coddling these uppity folks.
Veterans Day is far and away more important to be swept aside like the crumbs of last nights supper.
Out here, kids get off for MKL jr day, but not Presidents day in February, or Veterans day in November.
They’re all important! Kids need to learn about them all.
Fly that flag on Veterans day–tell your relatives who served so proudly Thank you for thinking of the rest of us so unselfishly.
You mean the world to us.
We have Earth Day. Pretty soon we will have MTV Day. You know we will have to have a Hispanic Day. Columbus Day is considered offensive now. July 4th and Memorial Day are sales days. Veterans Day is another Monday off. Seems like all priorities are going backwards. Thank you Congress, mainstream media, Natl Education Asssociation and self indulged Americans – nothing means something and something means nothing.
Who Gives a Damn About Veteran’s Day…says Jersey
There are some times when I see a blog post or an article such as this one on the internet, that a few options come to mind, one is to grab my gun and destroy the people responsible, the other is to just stop up my nose and ears so that the pressure …
They probably want to off Memorial Day and Veterans Day to make way for UN Day, Socialism Day, etc.
Lynn your right! Great comment Lynn.
Tom, that is exactly how it feels……”nothing means something and something means nothing.”….it is all so horrible how they have done this little by little. I wish our voices were louder across this land of how bad this is, how horrible.
razOr omg you may not be far off in that. God help us.
Hey I meant to Comment here WT yesterday, I trackbacked this particular article, an uncle of mine is a vet and he was furious and then extremely saddened by this, it’s horrible. I don’t know if you checked out my post about it or not, but my biggest issue is that it’s a god damned rider. Some sneaky little f*ck put it as a rider onto some bill that has “voter-friendly” written all over it and it just got zipped on through their legislature. This country is falling apart!!!!
Hi Mike yes I saw that last night when I went to your blog. I was furious!! I like your blog Mike.
Thank you for the link about this.
This is so odd, last night, well very late I came here thank you, hahaha And I didn’t see “comment” to click on. It was so strange because today it is visible. It just had permalink and the little envelope to click on.
Hey Wildthing, saw your comments on my blog, much appreciated for the add on you site!
The reason the comments weren’t there was that I had something wrong with the html script, it was showing up on the main site, but the comments weren’t going onto the regular blog links themselves. All fixed now though. Thanks again for your input and this site!