02 Dec

Charles Barkley: Let’s Face it, The Ferguson Grand Jury Got It Right, He Also Called Rioters ” scumbags”.

Charles Barkley: Let’s Face it, The Ferguson Grand Jury Got It Right, He Also Called Rioters ” scumbags”.
Not the first time he’s taken the “wrong side” of a shooting transformed in haste into a Teachable Moment about race relations in America. Once the death of Michael Brown was reduced to a microcosm of police discrimination against young black men, Darren Wilson had to be guilty or else that discrimination didn’t exist. The retreat to identity was the natural way to process an incident that was supposed to be simple but became too complex for easy narratives.
No one told Barkley, though.

“The true story came out from the grand jury testimony,” Barkley said, adding that he was made aware of “key forensic evidence, and several black witnesses that supported Officer Darren Wilson’s story…” He continued, “I can’t believe anything I hear on television anymore. And, that’s why I don’t like talking about race issues with the media anymore, because they (the media) love this stuff, and lead people to jump to conclusions. The media shouldn’t do that. They never do that when black people kill each other. ”

He also called those who rioted after the decision was announced “scumbags,” and said “There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down people’s businesses, burning down police cars.”…

“[W]e have to be really careful with the cops, because if it wasn’t for the cops we would be living in the Wild, Wild West in our neighborhoods,” he said. “We can’t pick out certain incidentals that don’t go our way and act like the cops are all bad…. Do you know how bad some of these neighborhoods would be if it wasn’t for the cops?”

Wild Thing’s comment…………

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

A SLAM DUNK for Sir Charles!!!

TomR,armed in Texas says:

I know a lot of really good Black people. They work hard, are honest and are giving. Sadly, they almost all voted for obama.