26 Oct

South Side Chicago Church Burglarized After Pastor Supports Republicans

South Side Chicago Church Burglarized After Pastor Supports Republicans
VIDEO at link
Pastor Brooks has gotten a lot of attention recently for joining a small group of black ministers breaking with traditional democratic ranks and supporting gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner.
A break-in and burglary at the South Side church of Pastor Corey Brooks, who also says he has been receiving death threats as a result of his support for the Republican Bruce Rauner in Illinois’ race for governor.
Pastor Brooks has taken on gangs in his Woodlawn neighborhood, camping on the roof of an abandoned motel across the street from his church for nearly three months until he could raise money to tear it down.
But he says he has never faced death threats until now, when he’s publicly supporting Governor Pat Quinn’s Republican opponent.
Pastor Brooks says first came the threats on his phone. Then shattered glass at an entrance to the New Beginnings Church greeted a member Saturday morning.
The South Side church is the home of Pastor Brooks, who has gained notoriety as a community activist and who has also garnered attention recently for joining with a small group of black ministers breaking with traditional Democratic ranks and supporting Republican gubernatorial candidate Rauner.
Pastor Brooks says he’s also received death threats in recent days.

“We’ve never had our church broken into, we never had windows smashed and it just seems real coincidental that all this stuff is happening around the time that I’m supporting Bruce Rauner,” Brooks said.

Saturday Brooks says it made him the target of a crime, along with voicemails full of hate.
Friday afternoon he got five threatening voicemails full of homophobic and racial slurs, and the caller attacks him for backing Republican Bruce Rauner for governor.
“We own you and you ain’t got nobody that can stop us. Nobody!” one voicemail said.
“Yeah. We going to steal the sheep of the hypocrite. You’s a hypocrite.”
“You token. You a puppet. You a Bruce Rauner puppet,” another call said.

“If they’re trying to intimidate me, they probably picked the wrong person,” Pastor Brooks said. “As a matter of fact, I’m probably going to go harder.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
In the video the black pastor mentions wanting to leave the Democrat plantation! And listen to the hateful messages left on his phone.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

ONE NATION UNDER GOD – and NOT under President Obola! VOTE in 9 more days!

TomR,armed in Texas says:

The only way the Black community can cleanse itself of crime, poverty and unwed births is if it reforms itself from within. They need to break with the Democrat Party and join the ranks of Repubs and Independents.