03 Aug

RNC Gives Obama a Birthday Present: A Copy of the U.S. Constitution

RNC Gives Obama a Birthday Present: A Copy of the U.S. Constitution
Obama’s birthday is on August 4th, and the Republican National Committee is sending him a copy of the Constitution. You know, for review purposes.
President Obama was, in a previous life, a professor of constitutional law. That’s what makes his blatant disregard for the Constitution so much more unfortunate. Not that ivory tower academics would be the best judges for the interpretation of the Constitution, but one would hope he’d have some base-level awareness of how it limits government powers.
Unfortunately, he’s shown that not to be the case.
Unfortunately, President Obama has done irreversible damage to America. He has undermined our standing in the world, shaped our nation to be dependent on government handouts and created a nanny state where centralized power dictates our lives.
Monday is President Obama’s birthday. And we are going to send him the reminder he needs

Wild Thing’s comment.………
I am glad they are doing this, He will hate it of course, but all the better.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Is it in Arabic?

TomR,armed in Texas says:

They disguised it with a cover page that read “communist manifesto”.