28 Mar

Krauthammer on Who to Believe about Obama’s Meeting with the Pope: The Pope, “or the man who said ‘If you like your plan. . .’”

Krauthammer on Who to Believe about Obama’s Meeting with the Pope: The Pope, “or the man who said ‘If you like your plan. . .’”
Who to believe? The Pope or “the man who said, ‘If you like your plan you can keep your plan.’”
Barack Obama says he and the Pope did not discuss “social issues” like abortion, but the Vatican’s press release has a different story.

Wild Thing’s comment…………
I agree with Charles, why on earth would I ever believe what Obama says about anything.
This is so shameful, Obama could not even tell the truth about the conversation he had with the Pope. He just cannot stand ofr anyone, including the Pope to correct him about his stand on abortion or obamacare.

BobF says:

Both Obama’s are liars. Michelle just told a group of children in China that her husband grew up poor to become president. That’s the furthest thing from the truth as he was raised in an upper middle class family.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

The obamas give new definition to lying. What kind of Neanderthal would believe obama over the Pope??