04 Feb

Obama’s DOJ Won’t Allow Lead IRS Scandal Investigator To Testify Before Congress

DOJ Won’t Allow Lead IRS Scandal Investigator To Testify Before Congress
The attorney leading the investigation into the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) targeting of tea party groups will not be allowed to testify at an oversight hearing Thursday after being requested by a congressman, according to reports.
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) asked Justice attorney Barbara Bosserman to appear on Feb. 6, 2014. Rep. Jordan received a response from Deputy Attorney General James Cole saying she would not be appearing.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Like a true communist, using this kind of tactic.

bobf says:

Does or does not Congress have subpoena power? If they do, what gives the DOJ the power to ignore it? Is there a coup d’état taking place in Washington?