21 Nov

Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services To Spend Up To $7 Billion (our TAX dollars) To Find Ways To Reduce Costs Under Obamacare

HHS To Spend Up To $7 Billion To Find Ways To Reduce Costs Under Obamacare
The Department of Health and Human Services revealed on Wednesday a plan to spend up to $7 billion to find ways to reduce spending under the Affordable Care Act while maintaining or improving the quality of health care. The solicitation for bids for this wide-ranging project appeared today on the Federal Business Opportunities website:
“The purpose is to develop a Research, Measurement, Assessment, Design, and Analysis (RMADA) IDIQ [Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity] to respond to expanded needs of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care ACT (ACA) and Health Care reform ACT (HCERA). The work awarded under the RMADA will involve the design, implementation and evaluation of a broad range of research and/or payment and service delivery models to test their potential for reducing expenditures for Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and uninsured beneficiaries while maintaining or improving quality of care.”

Wild Thing’s comment……………
NEVER before has our government or a president spent so much money ( our tax dollars). This is all so horrific iti just makes me sick to my stomach to see what all is happening.