Harrods bans soldiers on Poppy Day
Their pathetic, incredible explanation: The store has stood by their dress policy, saying:
“There is a long-standing tradition at Harrods that would normally preclude customers who are wearing non-civilian attire from entering the store. “A lot of people assume that somebody in uniform is either there on official duty, which could cause them alarm, or they assume they’re a member of staff and ask them where the lavatories are and so on.”
A serving Army officer was banned from entering Harrods on Remembrance Day in case his uniform upset other shoppers.
Lieutenant Daniel Lenherr had just taken part in a parade honouring Britain’s war dead when the London department store turned him away at the door.
The security guard told him other customers might be intimidated by the uniform.
The 26-year-old soldier, who serves in the 1st regiment of the Royal Horse Artillery, had been at commemorations in Hyde Park Corner last weekend when he decided to visit the shop with his wife Michelle and their one-year-old son.
Mrs Lenherr, who lives in Tidworth, Hampshire, said:
“We were horrified when we were refused entry on a day when we honoured the men who sacrificed so much for our freedom. I find it sad this can happen.”
The store has stood by their dress policy, saying:
“There is a long-standing tradition at Harrods that would normally preclude customers who are wearing non-civilian attire from entering the store.
“A lot of people assume that somebody in uniform is either there on official duty, which could cause them alarm, or they assume they’re a member of staff and ask them where the lavatories are and so on.”
But the shop came under fire for its ban.
Shadow Defence Minister Mark Harper said:
“It’s an outrageous slap in the face to our Armed Forces who are serving our country around the world. On Remembrance Sunday it’s even more of an insult. I cannot see any legitimate reason for a shop not to let in members of the Armed Forces in uniform.”
And Thomas Carter MBE, a former Warrant Officer in the Royal Horse Artillery, said Mr Lenherr had been treated disgracefully.
The 78-year-old said:
“Harrods’ policy is a load of rubbish. It treats members of the Armed Forces as sixth-rate citizens. It definitely makes it worse that it was on Remembrance Sunday, as that’s the day everybody wears uniform.”
Rival department stores Selfridges and Harvey Nichols said they had no problem with service personnel entering their stores in uniform.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Harrod’s is owned by Saudi arms-dealer Adnan Khashoggi or Mohamed el Fayed I think. So I guess it should not be surprising to anyone. It sitll makes me angry though. They should have said, ‘welcome, we’re glad you’re here, and 20% off everything as a thanks for your service to the nation.’
Maybe the Bobbies should let it be known that they won’t go in while wearing uniforms either. That way the criminal element will get the idea that it is open season at Harrods.
“Sorry old chap. Can’t come in, against policy you see. No, can’t start a formal investigation either without crime-scene interviews. Carry on now!”……maybe something like that should start happening.
But also let’s not forget that our institutions of so called higher learning (Harvard, Berkeley, etc) do not allow ROTC or military recruiters on campus. Now THAT really pisses me off!!!!
At one time the sun never set on the British Empire. Soon, the sun won’t rise on Britain as she will no longer belong to the English People.
Shoppers at Harrod’s can also pay their respects at Dodi and Diana’s shrine, at the landing to the first floor. I saw it five years ago; it’s crazy.
On a trip there in the early 90’s, we were with the kids at Trafalgar Square. There’s a no parking zone at the south end, but a stream of Rolls’s pulled up there, stopped, and bunch of armed thugs got out with six or seven women in burqas.
The ladies then proceeded to sightsee in the Square, while the cars blocked traffic to The Mall. The Bobbies nearby did nothing. Britain is not yet entirely owned by Muslims, but the day isn’t far off.
Is there something in the water?
I can’t even begin to say how much this digusts me and I’m afraid the sheeples here in this country are following suit.
Rhod’s experience at Trafalgar Square frightens me. I know Harrods is owned by a muslim, I think a Saudi. Probably a lot of England has been bought with Mid-East oil money. The rest will be got by terror.
The same thing happens in the US, many outlets treat our service members much the same way, with great disdain. I could name two cities in Washington State that treat people in uniform like trash.
What should frighten everyone is the extent of Moslem holdings in the UK and the US. I know of a minimum of 8 gas stations operated by them in my little sphere, they are into taxis, and convenience stores too. They haven’t been surly yet but that will change when there are enough of them to monopolize the market. I don’t patronize them because there are no assurances of their not supporting the enemy.
Tom, Harrod’s is owned by Dodi Al Fayed’s father. Dodi was killed with Princess Airhead in that French tunnel, and the old man has claimed it was a hit by the Royal family.
Harrod’s is England’s version of South of The Border. An overdone and over rated display of excess and stupidity.
I take that back…South of the Border (haven’t been there since 1954) was at least unpretentious fun, where Harrod’s is a ridiculous relic of another time, pretending to uphold the standards of a social class that no longer exists. It’s all gilded bullshit.
The delicacies could be made of wax and no one would know the difference. The “help” are at least as snobbish as the aristocracy they replaced, and the goods overpriced and without the merit of being actually necessary for anyone in his right mind.
How about Target and their unwillingness to allow the Salvation Army bell ringers at Christmas? (and yes, I said Christmas–not the Holiday season!)
The donations go to the less fortunate at this time of year, who are plenty! Same thing as Harrods not allowing uniformed soldiers to shop their elite store. My solution-I stopped shopping at Target.
Too bad for Harrod’s. I’ll put my money elsewhere with stores who allow the bell ringers. Damn fine charity. Stuffy old shirts management.
Seems to me that British military personnel and veterans should boycott Harrods.
Bob, I think that is a good way to say it.
Rhod that is interesting. I never knew that had a shrine like that. amazing!
A huge wow from me, it sure has changed. The last time I was there was in 1983 and I never saw any burqas that I can remember.
Yankeemom, I agree. I am very concerned for the way things are going in our own country and how we give in to the Muslims on so many things.
Very scary.
Jack, I saw a list one time I wish I had saved it, of just some of the things they own. It really surprised me.
Lynn I agree, I am always so happy when I do see a Salvation Army bell ringer and I always stop and thank them and donate. We have them here in Florida outside the Walgreens pharmacy.